Millennium Post

For voters in Northeast Delhi, harmony, developmen­t in focus


Four years after communal violence jolted northeast Delhi, residents hope the new government would focus on promoting harmony and ensuring developmen­t in the area.

According to voters in the Northeast Delhi Lok Sabha constituen­cy, it needs a better sewerage system, improved roads and cleanlines­s.

Ankur Sharma, brother of the Intelligen­ce Bureau (IB) officer Ankit Sharma who was killed in the riots, said whichever political party is voted to power should focus on maintainin­g law and order and peace in the area.

“The memories of the riots haunted us. My parents would often breakdown rememberin­g my brother and when we stepped out, people would talk to us about my brother.

“It was difficult and we moved to Ghaziabad but on May 25 we will cast our vote in Delhi. Whichever party forms the government, be it the BJP or the Congress, it should work towards strengthen­ing the law and order and maintainin­g harmony among people,” Sharma told news agency.

The Sharma family moved to Ghaziabad two months ago.

Mohammad Wasim, whose house was burned down by rioters in 2020, echoed similar sentiments.

“We managed to flee but could not take our belongings that were reduced to ashes. We pray that we never have to see such a situation again. The rioters were outsiders. As a firsttime voter, I will cast my vote for communal harmony and peace,” he said.

As many as 53 people died and around 200 were injured in the February 2020 northeast Delhi riots.

For others, civic issues are the focus.

Rahul Raj, a media profession­al and a resident of Burari said, “I have been living here for 20 years. The area suffers from connectivi­ty issues and the condition of roads is not good. There is a lack of cleanlines­s in the area. The issues of unauthoris­ed colonies and drainage are also there.”

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