Millennium Post



What guiding principle do you adhere to as an individual candidate?

A: My motto is “Kaam kiya tha, kaam karenge, jann jann ka sammaan karenge.”

Q: Could you elaborate on the key issues driving your candidacy and shaping your priorities? A: My top priorities are establishi­ng a West Delhi education campus for Delhi University, improving healthcare by adding more hospitals, expanding the metro network connectivi­ty, addressing the pressing parking issues in Delhi, and opening a skill developmen­t centre.

Q: What strategies do you propose to address the persistent challenges of sewage and garbage management in West Delhi?

A: It’s unfortunat­e that such issues persist because I’ve previously attempted to allocate funds

Q: In light of concerns regarding women’s safety, what initiative­s do you plan to implement if elected?

A: While I commend Arvind Kejriwal’s initiative to install CCTV cameras for women’s safety, I’ll also ensure close coordinati­on with local law enforcemen­t agencies to address safety concerns.

Q: What motivated your tran

A: Circumstan­ces led me to join AAP initially. However, my allegiance lies with whichever party is committed to serving the people best. My focus is on uplifting the underprivi­leged, as seen in the growth trajectory of those from impoverish­ed background­s in unauthoris­ed colonies of New Delhi.

Q: Why should voters select you over your opponent, Kamaljeet Sehrawat, who emphasises her municipal corporatio­n experience?

A: Firstly I think BJP’s divisive politics are very harmful. Moreover, I believe my extensive experience, including serving in the army, being an MP, and being a DDA member for 12 years, positions me as a visionary in policy making, which is essential for addressing the complex challenges we face.

 ?? ?? to cover sewage in various areas. If elected, I’ll prioritise resolving these challenges.
to cover sewage in various areas. If elected, I’ll prioritise resolving these challenges.

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