Millennium Post

West Delhi: AAP, BJP highlight their campaign agendas & strategies



hat guiding principles do you intend to uphold throughout your campaign for the upcoming elections?

A: My motto is to lead with vision, dedication, and meticulous planning.

Q: Could you outline the pivotal issues that underpin your candidacy and fervour within the BJP?

A: I am passionate about improving parks and sports facilities in villages of West Delhi, addressing issues in unauthoris­ed colonies, executing and promoting awareness about PM Modi’s initiative­s through informatio­n centres, and enhancing last-mile connectivi­ty via metro.

Q: How do you evaluate the prevalent challenges concerning waste management and sewage systems in the West Delhi constituen­cy?

A: Areas like Janakpuri, Vikaspuri, Tagore Garden and more face

NEW DELHI: The West Delhi constituen­cy is the largest constituen­cy in Delhi. Concerns raised by the electorate encompass various issues, including crime, inflation, traffic congestion, unauthoris­ed colonies, roadside significan­t challenges with garbage and sewage, demanding consistent attention. I’ve previously worked on spreading awareness and provided infrastruc­ture during my tenure as mayor. Changing mindsets is crucial to addressing these issues effectivel­y.

Q: Given your experience within the MCD, if elected, how do you plan to leverage this background differentl­y to effect change?

A: Transition­ing from a requesting role to an authoritat­ive position will enable more effective action. Having witnessed policy execution first-hand, I aim to makeshift shelters, and notably, challenges related to waste disposal and sewage management.

With a voter base of 25.7 lakh, the demographi­c breakdown of the constituen­cy, highlights the presence of diverse communitie­s such as OBCs, Punjabis, Sikhs, SCs, Brahmins, Jats, bring practical insights to policymaki­ng, facilitati­ng substantia­l change.

Q: What distinguis­hes you from your competitor­s, particular­ly in light of your extensive municipal corporatio­n experience?

A: My extensive experience in the corporatio­n (MCD) is fundamenta­l. I believe successful public representa­tion requires this background.

Q: In response to criticisms of religious polarisati­on within the BJP, how do you address such allegation­s and affirm your commitment to inclusivit­y?

A: The BJP, under the leadership of PM Modi, has not just undertaken initiative­s like the Ram Mandir but also ensured reforms like ending triple talaq, promoting inclusivit­y and welfare without religious bias. These achievemen­ts should not be politicise­d along religious lines.

Muslims, Vaish, Yadavs, and a notable population of Poorvancha­li voters.

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma of the BJP served as its representa­tive, securing 60.05 per cent of the votes.

In the West Delhi electoral race, Kamaljeet Sehrawat represents the

Q: How do you propose to tackle safety concerns, particular­ly for women, in areas vulnerable to crime and illegal activities?

A: The AAP’s excise policy has empowered illegal elements, contributi­ng to drug and alcoholrel­ated crimes. I am committed to eradicatin­g these evils and ensuring women’s safety as a top priority.

Q: Some critics suggest that BJP candidates rely heavily on Prime Minister Modi’s popularity. Why do you believe you deserve the electorate’s support based on your individual merits?

A: I stand on a strong leadership foundation, devoid of nepotism and divisivene­ss. Our track record of ten years and respect for PM Modi’s work are complement­ed by my individual merits, making me a deserving candidate.

BJP, distinguis­hed as the sole woman among the party’s general secretarie­s in Delhi. Known for her extensive engagement and varied roles within the Delhi BJP and the MCD, including Mayor of the South MCD from 2017 to 2018.

Mahabal Mishra, the eldest among the AAP nominees at 70, stands as their candidate, boasting deep-rooted political experience, having served as a West Delhi MP and thrice as an MLA under the Congress ticket.

Millennium Post interviewe­d Kamaljeet Sehrawat from the BJP as well as Mahabal Mishra from the AAP.

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