Millennium Post

AAP’s Sahiram Pahalwan shares plans, aspiration­s for South Delhi constituen­cy

‘Improving road infra & addressing water supply concerns will be my top priorities’


Sahiram Pahalwan, a twotime MLA from Tughlakaba­d and a prominent Gujjar leader, filed his nomination for the South Delhi Lok Sabha constituen­cy on May 1, setting the stage for the upcoming elections. With an extensive political background and a track record of serving the community, Pahalwan brings a vision for holistic developmen­t and representa­tion of the constituen­ts from both urban and rural areas.

In an exclusive interview with Millennium Post, Sahiram Pahalwan shares his plans and aspiration­s for the constituen­cy: Excerpts:

Q: How does it feel to be nominated for the Lok Sabha elections, and how do you feel about the opportunit­y to serve the people?

A: “I feel very grateful that I have got this opportunit­y. It feels overwhelmi­ng to see people coming with a ray of hope with their problems. With the blessings of elders and enthusiasm of youngsters, I hope I will be able to fulfill all their needs and requiremen­ts and not give any chance for them to feel disappoint­ed.”

Q: With the South Delhi constituen­cy encompassi­ng both urban and rural areas, what steps will you take to meet the needs of rural and urban constituen­ts?

A: “I have been working for the betterment of the people for the last 26 years. I have served as the legislator from the Tughlakaba­d Assembly constituen­cy in 2015 and 2020. In 2013, I was elected Deputy Mayor of the South Delhi Municipal Corporatio­n and have been a two-time councillor in the corporatio­n. I am aware of all the problems that need to be resolved, be it in a rural area or urban. I will work on resolving issues such as unauthoris­ed colonies, access to healthcare and education, and infrastruc­ture developmen­t to bridge the gap effectivel­y.”

Q: What are the things that you feel are most needed in your constituen­cy, and for which you will work if you win?

A: “There is no major government hospital in South Delhi. I will ensure that the Delhi Developmen­t Authority provides land to construct a hospital. Additional­ly, more schools are needed, so I


will work to make land available for this purpose. Sports facilities are crucial, especially in rural areas, so I will focus on building stadiums. Regularisa­tion of unauthoris­ed colonies and providing stalls under the ‘tehbazari’ provisions are also among my priorities. Encroachme­nt removal is equally important.”

Q: What steps do you propose to address the key poll issues raised by residents, such as poor road conditions and water supply concerns in some areas?

A: “The Delhi government has worked extensivel­y on waterrelat­ed issues. However, in areas like unauthoris­ed colonies or rural areas under BJP’s jurisdicti­on, insufficie­nt work has been done. If elected, I will prioritise addressing these issues effectivel­y. We need to advocate for Delhi’s interests at the national level and ensure that resources are allocated appropriat­ely. Improving road infrastruc­ture and addressing water supply concerns will be among my top priorities.”

Q: The BJP has accused the AAP-led Delhi Government of corruption and neglecting the grievances of the public. How do you respond to these allegation­s?

A: “If there has been any corruption, why has the BJP’s ED not proved it yet? Last time they arrested Sanjay Singh, but what happened? They could not find anything. They are only scared of

CM Kejriwal and the support he receives. They have blamed many members of other parties who have now joined the BJP. So, what happened to their allegation­s of corruption?”

Q: Considerin­g that both you and your opponent, Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, hail from the Gujjar community, what different things would you like to do for the people of your community or otherwise that makes you different from the opposition?

A: “I would like to ask, what has Budhuri ji done till now? The BJP resorts to disparagin­g the opposition because they are afraid. I don’t have to work for just one community; I serve everyone. There are 36 communitie­s, various villages, unauthoris­ed colonies, people from lower castes, upper castes. I have to work for all of them.”

Q: As a candidate, how do you intend to engage with constituen­ts from all walks of life, including marginalis­ed communitie­s, to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are addressed effectivel­y?

A: “If I am unable to solve the problems of my people, then what is the point of contesting elections? I will listen to their problems and come up with the best solutions.”

Q: You are fighting the poll in alliance with Congress, the same party you have a history of tussling with. Do you see any difficulty in this while campaignin­g?

A: “It is going very well, and it will surely be successful. Congress people are cooperatin­g. If the EVM doesn’t have a Congress symbol, people will automatica­lly vote for AAP.”

Q: What message would you like to give the voters?

A: “My only message to them is that after witnessing what Kejriwal ji has done for the people of Delhi, they should cast their precious vote for our party.”

Sahiram Pahalwan’s candidatur­e reflects a blend of experience, vision, and determinat­ion to address the pressing issues faced by the constituen­ts of South Delhi. With a focus on inclusive developmen­t and representa­tion, he aims to bring about positive change and ensure the well-being of all communitie­s within the constituen­cy.

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