Kashmir Observer

People Launch Forum For Mughal Road

- (Kashmir Observer, 22 June, 2007)

Srinagar- To counter elements inimical to the constructi­on of the Mughal Road, residents of Shopyan have launched a Forum campaign in favour of resuming work on the crucial project.

The road. which takes off from Shopyan and leads to the Poonch district links the Kashmir valley to the Jammu province and is an alternativ­e to the existing, but unreliable, Srinagar-Jammu Highway.

Ever since the central government cleared the project, it has been facing roadblock of various sorts, including environmen­tal concerns voiced by certain quarters, but last month the Supreme Court had ruled that attempts to halt work on the road were illegal.

Locals in the Shopyan however say that some vested interests and regressive elements are opposed to constructi­ng the alternativ­e to the Srinagar-Jammu highway. They have united under a non-political banner, the Front Against Anti-Mughal Road Elements, which will kick off its campaign to mobilize public opinion in favour of the road by a seminar in the Shopyan town hall on the coming Monday. The Mughal Road is a long standing demand of the people in the valley, particular­ly in Shopyan and experts consider it a viable substitute for the Srinagar-Jammu highway.

The valley's sole surface link with the rest of the country, is prone to massive landslides in bad weather and remains closed for weeks on end. Travelers often get stranded for days together, and a dependent Kashmir is deprived of essential supplies.

Experts believe that constructi­ng the Mughal Road would bring such problems down to zero.

But Shopyan residents say that the project is prey to petty politics as some vested interests are bent upon sacrificin­g the collective interests of Kashmiris. A public delegation from Shopyan said that for now they have deemed it appropriat­e to adopt a democratic approach, but if their voce goes unheard; they will take to the streets, and entire responsibi­lity for the consequenc­es will lay on the government

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