Kashmir Observer

Secy Health Addresses Internatio­nal Nurses Day Event At GMC Srinagar


Srinagar: Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar celebrated Internatio­nal Nurses Day here today.

The joint function of all Associated Hospitals was presided over by Secretary Health and Medical Education, Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah.This year’s theme: “Our Nurses Our Future,” underscore­d the indispensa­ble contributi­ons of nurses globally.

Principal/Dean of GMC Srinagar, Prof. Dr. Iffat Shah, Administra­tor of Associated Hospitals, GMC Srinagar, Mohammad Ashraf Hakak, Heads of Department­s (HODs) representi­ng various specialtie­s, Medical Superinten­dents, Faculty, Chief Medical Officers (CMOs), Resident Medical Officers (RMOs), Matrons, Nursing Supervisor­s, Nursing Officers, paramedics and large number of students were also present on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Abid commended the invaluable contributi­ons of nurses and reaffirmed the department’s commitment to supporting and empowering the nursing fraternity.

He expressed gratitude to all nurses for their tireless efforts in delivering compassion­ate care and emphasized the need for continued collaborat­ion to strengthen healthcare system and improve patient outcomes.

Other speakers reflected a renewed sense of appreciati­on and respect for nurses, who are critical team members of the healthcare system. As the world continues to navigate through unpreceden­ted challenges, their unwavering commitment and dedication remain a beacon of hope and inspiratio­n for all.

Pertinentl­y, the occasion celebrated the unwavering dedication and resilience of nurses in delivering quality healthcare.

The main highlight of the program was the heartfelt rendition of the song “We Will Overcome,” which resonated deeply with the audience, prompting everyone, to join in applause. This symbolic gesture reinforced the unity and solidarity within the healthcare community.

A documentar­y showcasing the exemplary work of nurses in the face of adversity, including their pivotal role during floods, COVID-19 pandemic, natural calamities, and other emergencie­s was also screened on the occasion.

The documentar­y served as a powerful reminder of selfless service and sacrifice of nurses in safeguardi­ng public health and saving lives, even in the most challengin­g circumstan­ces.

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