Kashmir Observer

Authoritie­s Thwart Illicit Import Of 'Opiod' At Srinagar Airport


Political parties conclude campaignin­g for their nominated candidates, marking end of the 02-Srinagar PC campaign period on Saturday. KO Photo by Abid Bhat.


Majid Nabi

Srinagar: The Drug Control Department confiscate­d a shipment of illicit narcotics comprising 1080 capsules of ‘Tramadol’, a medicine structural­ly related to the opioids like codeine and morphine at the Srinagar Airport on Saturday.

Officials told Kashmir Observer that the Central Enforcemen­t (Airport Wing) Department at the Srinagar Airport here provided a tip off, that led to the seizure of illicit narcotics comprising 1080 capsules of Tramadol.

Irfana Ahmad, the Deputy Drug Controller, and the officials of the Sales Tax Department seized the shipment, which officials claimed was being imported through unregulate­d channels.

As stated by the department, the seizure was part of its continuous efforts to prevent the unlawful distributi­on and sale of prescripti­on medication­s.

The department had in the past intercepte­d similar shipments together with the Srinagar Airport Sales Tax Department and prosecuted those involved in the unlawful distributi­on and sale of prescripti­on medication­s.

Speaking to Kashmir Observer, Deputy Drug Controller, Irfana Ahmad said the department is currently investigat­ing the origin and planned use of the confiscate­d package.

“We are presently investigat­ing the matter and whosoever is found involved in the unlawful distributi­on and sale of prescripti­on medication­s will be dealt with in accordance with the law,” the officer said, adding many such consignmen­ts have been seized in the past as well. Actually smugglers using licenses of bonafide pharmaceut­ical distributo­rs carry out these illegal activities.




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• • • • • • • TRAFFIC POLICE : 9419993745, 01998-266686 PCR: 0194-2452092,2455883 PDD: 0194-2450213 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES : 2479488,2452222,2452155 CAPD: 1800180701­1 SMC HEALTH OFFICER: 9469409081 Ambulance: Kashmer EMS Service: +91 94841 00200
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• • • • • • • SRINAGAR: 0194-2103259 ANANTNAG: 01932-228243 BARAMULLA: 0194-102029 BIJBHERA: 01932-228243 PAMPORE: 01933-294132 PATTAN: 01954-293507 QAZIGUND: 01951-296153
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