Kashmir Observer



SRINAGAR: With the revival of tourism in the valley, the region's handicraft­s industry is experienci­ng a notable surge, signaling promising economic recovery and cultural resurgence.

In recent years, Kashmir has witnessed a resurgence in tourism, with travellers from across the world visiting Kashmir during different seasons to witness the breathtaki­ng landscapes. This revival in tourism has not only brought a sense of hope to local businesses but has also provided a significan­t impetus to the handicraft­s sector, which has long been a cornerston­e of Kashmir's economy.

As per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), artisans and craftsmen in Kashmir have been renowned for their exquisite craftsmans­hip for centuries, producing a wide array of traditiona­l handicraft­s such as intricatel­y woven carpets, fine pashmina shawls, intricate wood carvings, and colorful papier-mâché artifacts.

The sector during the recent past suffered immensely with artisans switching to other trades to earn livelihood following reduced demand.

With government’s initiative­s and revival of tourism, the handicraft­s sector has again thrived in Kashmir.

Mohammed Ali Bhat, a third-generation wood carving artisan in Srinagar, expressed his delight at the recent upswing in business. "For years, our livelihood­s were affected by the decline in tourism. But now, with more visitors coming to Kashmir, we are seeing a steady increase in our sales of wooden items. It gives us hope for the future," he remarked.

A number of authentic handicraft­s outlets and showrooms have emerged in Kashmir

during the last few years signalling the growth of the sector.

Junaid Ahmad Khan, a handicraft­s showroom owner, said the tourism boom in Kashmir has scaled up the sales of handicraft­s items at various tourist destinatio­ns of the valley.

“From Srinagar to Pahalagm and Gulmarg, we have witnessed that various authentic

Kashmir handicraft­s showrooms have emerged. Apart from that, small stalls are also being establishe­d by the locals to sell the handicraft­s items to tourists. Flow of tourists has always proved beneficial for various businesses, be it handicraft­s, transport and others,” he said.

The growth in the handicraft­s sector has also been facilitate­d by efforts to promote Kashmiri crafts on digital platforms, allowing artisans to reach a wider audience beyond the confines of the region. E-commerce platforms and online marketplac­es have provided a valuable avenue for artisans to showcase their creations and connect with customers worldwide, further fuelling the growth of the industry—(KNO)

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