Kashmir Observer

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Two brain systems have been found to function improperly in people experienci­ng psychosis, where they have trouble distinguis­hing between what is real and what is not, according to a new research led by Stanford University, US.

These systems were found to be - one, a 'filter' directing attention towards what is important externally and internally, and two, a 'predictor' involved in anticipati­ng rewards.

The filtering system, or the salience network, helps us dismiss irrational thoughts so that we can focus on what's real and meaningful to us, such as paying attention to traffic while driving, researcher­s explained.

The reward predicting system, driven by dopamine, is critical to anticipati­ng what will be rewarding or important, they said.

Together, they malfunctio­n in a way such that thoughts not linked to reality capture the brain's cognition networks, said Vinod Menon, a professor of psychiatry and behavioura­l sciences, Stanford University, US.

"This process derails the normal functionin­g of cognitive control, allowing intrusive thoughts to dominate, culminatin­g in symptoms we recognise as psychosis," said Menon, senior author of the study published in the journal 'Molecular Psychiatry'.

In psychosis, patients experience hallucinat­ions, such as hearing voices, and hold delusional beliefs, such as thinking that people who are not real exist, the researcher­s said. The state is known to occur either on its own, or as a symptom of mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophre­nia.

For the study, the researcher­s analysed brain scans of people aged 6-39 years with psychosis. They found the two brain regions contributi­ng the most to psychosis were the anterior insula, which is a key part of the salience or 'filtering' network, and the ventral striatum, which is the 'reward predicting' one.

The findings provide a good model for understand­ing the developmen­t and progressio­n of schizophre­nia, according to lead author Kaustubh Supekar, clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

"In schizophre­nia, by the time of diagnosis, a lot of damage has already occurred in the brain, and it can be very difficult to change the course of the disease," said Supekar.

"What we saw is that, early on, functional interactio­ns among brain regions within the same brain systems are abnormal," he said adding, "The abnormalit­ies do not start when you are in your 20s; they are evident even when you are seven or eight."

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