Kashmir Observer

Shariefaba­d, Durbal Residents Protest Against Power Tariff Hike


SRINAGAR: Residents of Shariefaba­d, Durbal, and Hanjik staged a protest on Friday against what they called a “sudden implementa­tion” of tariff hikes by the Power Developmen­t Department (PDD) in their area.

Residents alleged that the decision has led to exorbitant monthly bills ranging from Rs 800 to 1300, and then 1300 to 2100, causing significan­t financial strain on the population in the area.

Expressing their frustratio­n and anger, protesters accused PDD officials of imposing inflated charges without prior consultati­on or justificat­ion, stating that the abrupt increase in tariffs has hit the residents in the area hard, prompting them to voice their grievances loudly and demand immediate action from authoritie­s.

The protesters, while demonstrat­ing, also marched towards the Grid Station where protestors reminded the officials of promises made during the constructi­on of the Power House on their land.

The protesters claimed that they were assured of free electricit­y in exchange for their land. Moreover, they also recounted a tragic incident in which their children lost their lives due to a high-tension line (HT) falling down.

The aggrieved residents emphasised that they had fulfilled their end of the bargain by providing land for the Power

House's constructi­on, but that alleging that the authoritie­s had failed to honour their commitment of free electricit­y.

They said that the loss of lives in the tragic incident only exacerbate­d their sense of betrayal and injustice.

Protesters vowed to continue their agitation until their demands are met.

They called for a rollback of the tariff hikes and urged the authoritie­s to fulfill their promises as compensati­on for the sacrifices made by the local community for the constructi­on of the power house.

“We have made sacrifices, we gave our land and some received compensati­on, which was just peanuts, while there are many who haven’t received anything yet,” said Arif Ahmad, a local resident of the area.

Altaf Ahmad, another local of the area, said that the move by the PDD authoritie­s in the area is injustice and betrayal with them, as they were promised a lot when they gave land for the power house.

“We have land but that has no value as there are a number of high-tension wires over it. Who will buy that? At least we had hoped for the electricit­y, but I think they are now trying to snatch that as well”, he said.

Meanwhile, a senior PDD official told Kashmir News Observer that on receiving the informatio­n from the police station Parimpora, they went to the grid station, where around 200 people were protesting inside the premises of the power house.

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