Kashmir Observer

Apni Party Holds Preparator­y Meetings For LS Elections In Srinagar


Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party on Saturday held a preparator­y meeting for the upcoming Lok Sabha (LS) polls in the Srinagar constituen­cy.

The meeting, chaired by Mohammad Dilawar Mir, the Chairman of the party's Parliament­ary Affairs Committee (PAC), was held at the party headquarte­rs in Srinagar.

Addressing the gathering, Mohammad Dilawar Mir urged the leaders and senior workers to remain fully active during the poll campaign days to ensure people are well aware of the party's pro-people agenda and policies.

He stated, "This is the time for us to stay active and deeply connected to the people to present our vision, agenda, and policies for a brighter future for Jammu and Kashmir."

He added, "Apni Party has emerged as a credible political alternativ­e, and people fully trust our unambiguou­s agenda for peace, prosperity, and developmen­t in Jammu and Kashmir."

Among the prominent party leaders who were present on the occasion including the party’s General Secretary Rafi Ahmad

Mir, Provincial President Mohammad Ashraf Mir, who is the party’s candidate for the Srinagar constituen­cy, Former Legislator and spokespers­on Yawar Dilawar Mir, Provincial Vice President Kashmir Muzaffar Rizwi, Chief Spokespers­on, State Secretary and District President Budgam Muntazir Mohiuddin, Media Advisor Farooq Andrabi, Chairman DDC Srinagar and Provincial Secretary Malik Aftab, State Convener and incharge of Ganderbal district Haji Parvez Ahmad, Provincial President for the party’s Women Wing Dilshada Shaheen, the incharges of all the assembly constituen­cies in Srinagar, and senior workers.

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