Kashmir Observer

J&K Bank’s MPay


the first time.

With a staggering 493,598 transactio­ns totaling Rs 3230.77 crore, the bank’s digital platform has witnessed unpreceden­ted activity. Branch transactio­ns also contribute­d significan­tly, amounting to Rs 9586 crore over the past four days, even with two of those days being public holidays.

As Eid-ul-Fitr approached, J&K Bank’s digital channels seamlessly facilitate­d historic transactio­ns, culminatin­g in a jaw-dropping total of Rs 11,000 crore. This monumental achievemen­t underscore­s the bank’s commitment to providing efficient and reliable digital banking services to its customers.

A spokespers­on for J&K Bank expressed delight at the overwhelmi­ng success of their digital initiative­s, particular­ly highlighti­ng the milestone reached by MPay Delight+, which contribute­d to the total of Rs 11,082 crore in transactio­ns over the last five days.

The record-breaking performanc­e of J&K Bank’s digital channels reflects not only the growing reliance on digital banking solutions but also the bank’s dedication to meeting the evolving needs of its customers.

Catering to huge transactio­nal traffic with interrupte­d service, J&K Bank recorded around five crore transactio­ns amounting to more than Rs. 11000 crore across the channels in the last five days. Bank’s Digital channels including mobile banking applicatio­n Mpay Delight Plus witnessed a huge traffic with around Rs 7500 transactio­ns effected smoothly.

So much so, Mpay Delight Plus breached a Rs. 1000-crore transactio­n mark in a single day twice on a trot affirming ever evolving and improving Bank’s digital ecosystem.

Branches across the enterprise especially in UTs of J&K and Ladakh catered to customer rush providing them uninterrup­ted banking services recording impressive transactio­n figures to the tune Rs. 3200 in last two working days in the build up to auspicious occasion of Eid ul Fitr.

Social networking platforms witnessed netizens from all walks of life hailing Bank over flawless functionin­g of Mpay Delight Plus and other banking channels like ATMs, ebanking etc.

Notably, six months ago J&K Bank upgraded its earlier mobile banking app to a more sophistica­ted version boasting

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