Kashmir Observer

LG, DGP, Others


compassion, harmony and the spirit of sharing. The festival inspires us to dedicate ourselves to the service of humanity.

“May the holy festival bring good health, happiness and prosperity in everyone’s lives”.

On the auspicious occasions of Navratra and Eid-ul-Fitr, the Director General of Police, J&K, Shri R.R Swain has extended heartfelt greetings to the fellow citizens living in J&K, Police officers, men & women personnel and their families. He has conveyed special wishes of health and happiness for the families of our martyrs.

In his message the DGP has said, “May almighty usher in peace and prosperity to each home in J&K. Let all souls emit prayers for the good of their neighbours, the wider community they live in irrespecti­ve of caste, religion and origin”.

On this propitious occasion, the DGP thanked the people of the J&K for their unwavering support and cooperatio­n to the police whenever and wherever JKP have tried to do good work with sincerity and honesty.

“Please pray for us and be by our side as we rededicate ourselves with passion and compassion to make our ‘fight to the finish’ against narcotics, terrorism and gangsteris­m a success”, DGP has appealed.

In his Eid greetings, NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah said, “I extend my warm wishes to people on the auspicious occasion praying that the Almighty accept our month-long fasting, repentance, prayers and rectitude. I urge the affluent class in the society to help those who do not have any resources to celebrate the Eid. The prevailing situation has regrettabl­y increased the social gap with uncertaint­y looming large over the poorest of poor, daily wagers, marginal farmers pushing them to the brink of hunger. On the auspicious occasion of Eid ul Fitr, the well off in our society should lend all support to the people in need.”

Party Vice President Omar Abdullah while extending warm wishes to the people on the auspicious occasion of Eid ul Fitr said, “On this day we should include the underprivi­leged in our happiness. There is no superior act than sharing our resources with the people in need. I wish the candles of piety and faith remain lit in our families and neighbourh­ood throughout the year. I extend my warm wishes to the people on the auspicious eve with a view that the needs of the people at need are taken care of by the affluent ones. May the auspicious day increase the prospects of peace, prosperity, and brotherhoo­d in J&K.”

J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Lone extended his heartfelt wishes to the people on the joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

In his statement, Lone highlighte­d the profound significan­ce of Eid-ul-Fitr, emphasisin­g how this sacred occasion fosters a renewed and reinvigora­ted sense of faith within the hearts of believers after the spiritual introspect­ion and devotion of Ramadan.

“On this auspicious day, I pray for the Almighty Allah’s blessings to shower upon us all, guiding us towards greater

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