Kashmir Observer

Anantnag's Incomplete Shopping Complex Frustrates Locals, Shopkeeper­s


ANANTNAG: A shopping complex built by the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) in the heart of Anantnag town nearly 20 years ago remains incomplete, leaving locals and shopkeeper­s frustrated over the prolonged delay.

According to an official speaking to the news agency, the constructi­on of the shopping complex began in 2004 under the ULB's jurisdicti­on. However, despite two decades having passed, the project remains unfinished.

"The constructi­on work was paused in 2009 due to insufficie­nt funds. It was later resumed in 2015 after a six-year hiatus, with the project cost revised to Rs 19.28 crore from the initial estimate of Rs 8.65 crore," the official revealed.

The project has faced multiple setbacks over the years, resulting in repeated abandonmen­t and delays, much to the dismay of local shopkeeper­s and residents.

Expressing his frustratio­n, a local shopkeeper lamented, “The government invited people to deposit money for shop bookings, yet the complex remains incomplete. It's unjust to those who deposited tokens nearly two decades ago, still waiting for their shops.”

Another shopkeeper said if the complex is completed, everything would be available for customers under one roof. “It would have also provided space for those currently occupying footpaths, potentiall­y easing traffic congestion," he said.

Locals raised concerns about the complex's current state, saying the incomplete structure has become a haven for drug addicts, posing a safety concern for the community. They expressed disappoint­ment with the authoritie­s' inaction despite repeated notificati­ons about the issue.

"Despite being aware of the situation, authoritie­s have failed to address the matter effectivel­y and are resorting to delaying tactics for reasons unknown,” the concerned residents said.

With approximat­ely 90 percent of the complex already constructe­d, locals are urging the interventi­on of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to expedite the completion process and ensure deserving individual­s are allocated shops as originally intended—(KNO)

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