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Samantha responds to doctor asking to ‘throw her in prison’


Samantha recently took to her Instagram Stories to recommend hydrogen peroxide nebulisati­on to treat viral infections while sharing a picture of herself taking the treatment. Soon after, a Dr Cyriac Abby Philips aka The Liver Doc slammed the actor for suggesting it. Philips pointed out that the technique has adverse effects on health and called the actor “health and science illiterate”. Following this, the actor, who runs a health podcast, issued a clarificat­ion. “I am not naive to go about strongly advocating a treatment. I merely suggested with good intention because of all that I have faced and learnt in the last couple of years. Especially that treatments can be financiall­y draining and many may not be able to afford them. End of the day, we all depend on educated doctors to guide us,” she wrote, adding that the treatment she suggested was advised to her by a very experience­d doctor. The 37-year-old said that she would have preferred it if Philips had a discussion with the doctor who suggested the treatment to her.

Samantha also directly addressed Philips’ comments, saying, “I have no doubt that he knows more than I do. And I am quite sure his intentions were noble. It would have been kind and compassion­ate of him had he not been so provocativ­e with his words. Especially the bit where he suggests I should be thrown in prison.”

Samantha, who is in the middle of her battle with myositis, added, “I posted as someone who needs medical treatments and not as a celeb. And I certainly am not endorsing anyone.”

 ?? PHOTOS: INSTAGRAM/SAMANTHARU­THPRABHUOF­FL ?? Samantha (inset) shared an Insta Story on the usage of a specific nebuliser
PHOTOS: INSTAGRAM/SAMANTHARU­THPRABHUOF­FL Samantha (inset) shared an Insta Story on the usage of a specific nebuliser

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