HT City


- Distance from Paris: Best way to travel: Travel time: Inputs on cost comparison by Expedia Distance from Paris: Best way to travel: Travel time: Sneha Chakrabort­y sneha.chakrabort­y@hindustant­ Distance from Paris: Best way to travel: Travel time:


Home to world-renowned attraction­s like Notre-Dame de la Garde and Château d’If, Marseille is set to host the much-awaited sailing competitio­n at the RoucasBlan­c Marina for the upcoming Olympic Games. Being the largest city on the Mediterran­ean coast which lies in the vicinity of the Frioul


According to data, the city is about 55% cheaper than Paris in terms of accommodat­ion. One of the closest ‘dupe’ cities to Paris, you can double down on the abundance of Pinterest-y Airbnbs. Home to the Palace of Versailles, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the principal royal residence of the French kings, the city is synonymous with opulent art and architectu­re. For the Olympics equestrian events, the arena in Versailles is set to stage jumping and dressage competitio­n.

22km Train 30 minutes archipelag­o (a group of four islands), Marseille’s port-side culture and French seafood preparatio­ns offer a coastline experience, a refreshing contrast from Paris’ cityscape. According to data, the city is about 45% cheaper than Paris in terms of accommodat­ion. hours (train) 774.2km Flight and

In 2024, visiting Paris, even beyond the Summer Olympics can become an expensive itinerary to consider. Despite this, Paris remains a highintere­st point for Indian travellers. Adara, a travel intent data platform, reports that Paris has become one of the most searched destinatio­ns in India, especially due to the upcoming Olympics. The report also states that 62% of hotel searches from India in the past two months are for France.

However, with rising accommodat­ion costs in Paris, it is time to think of


Perched in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region which is famous for its alpine lakes, Lyon is known as the gastronomi­cal capital of France. From praline tarts (a sweet specialty of the Lyon region) to saucisson brioché (sausage encased in soft brioché), the city is a paradise for foodies. Venture out to Lyon for budget-friendly accommodat­ions, and stay for the e-bike and wine tours through some of the best French countrysid­es. For the Olympics, Lyon Stadium will host a men’s football semi-final match. According to data, the city is about 45% cheaper than Paris in terms of accommodat­ion. 467km Train 2 hours alternativ­es.

“Data reveals a surge in searches for accommodat­ion in smaller towns and villages just outside the French capital. Searches for Lyon were also up 50%, with Marseille, Nantes and Bordeaux, the home of major sporting events, all up more than 15%,” says Xavier Rousselou, a Paris-based spokespers­on for Expedia Group.

This pattern of exploring an alternativ­e destinatio­n is popularly known as ‘second-city travel’, and more recently ‘destinatio­n duping’. So, if you’re heading to France for the Olympics or otherwise, here are a few cost-effective alternativ­e home bases near the Olympic sites.

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PHOTOS: ADOBE STOCK train 1.5 hours (flight); 3
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