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The actor shares how being selected as a jury member for the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles resonates with her ambition for global recognitio­n

- Yashika Mathur yashika.mathur@hindustant­

Actor Shriya Pilgaonkar feels “thrilled” about joining the jury for the upcoming Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA). The festival will be held in California (US) from June 27 to 30, where the actor will be judging the Shorts Programme category. Pilgaonkar, known for her roles in films such as Fan (2016) and Aranya (2021) as well as web series like The Broken News, sees this opportunit­y as a significan­t step towards achieving global recognitio­n.

“I have always wanted to establish myself as a global actor. So, participat­ing in film festivals aligns well with that ambition,” Pilgaonkar shares.

Apart from the fact that this is her first time as a jury member for a film festival, the occasion is also special for Pilgaonkar due to its spotlight on themes from South Asian culture. She views this experience, not only as an opportunit­y to appreciate cinema but also as a learning curve to realise her own aspiration­s. “There is so much talent, and it really motivates me since I also intend to direct and produce. This experience will teach me a lot, and allow me to meet a lot of people,” the actor shares and adds, “I am also excited to watch films rooted in South Asian culture. It’s always inspiring to witness emerging storytelle­rs.”

Reflecting on the recent success of Indian films on the global stage, such as Payal Kapadia’s All We Imagine as Light winning the Grand Prix at the Cannes Internatio­nal Film Festival, Pilgaonkar expresses hope for more substantia­l support for independen­t filmmakers.

“It has been an exceptiona­l year for Indian cinema internatio­nally, but I hope we can provide better financial support through scholarshi­ps, grants and funding. There is so much untapped talent waiting for opportunit­ies,” Pilgaonkar emphasises adding how internatio­nal film festivals play a crucial role in motivating filmmakers worldwide.


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