HT City

Pavithra in hospital, protégé Rachita shocked about accusation­s against Darshan


Actors Pavithra Gowda and Darshan Thoogudeep­a are currently in police custody in Bengaluru as suspects in the alleged murder of Renukaswam­y (a 33-yearold pharmacy store employee and a fan of Darshan). On Tuesday, while in custody, Gowda complained of dizziness, prompting her treatment at a nearby government hospital.

According to The Deccan Herald, police took Gowda to a hospital in Mallathaha­lli, near the Annapoorne­shwari Nagar police station, for questionin­g. S Girish, Deputy Commission­er of Police (West), clarified, “She was not hospitalis­ed. She did not collapse. She mentioned feeling dizzy.” He added that they administer­ed glucose before her return for questionin­g, assuring there was “nothing to worry about.”

A doctor conducting routine examinatio­ns of the suspects revealed Gowda had gastritis and low glucose levels due to fasting since morning. Intravenou­s fluids were administer­ed to address these issues.

Meanwhile, actor Rachita Ram,

who regards Thoogudeep­a as a mentor, expressed her disbelief over the situation. Her statement, translated from Kannada, read, “I was introduced to the cinema industry by Darshan. He is like my mentor. I am unable to believe that the person who used to correct my mistakes and guide me is involved in the case. I believe that the police will bring out the truth. Hope the media will remain unbiased and transparen­t in their reports.” Ram also conveyed her prayers for the victim’s family to receive justice.

Authoritie­s took Thoogudeep­a and Gowda into custody on June 11 in connection with Renukaswam­y’s murder. Allegedly, Renukaswam­y was abducted after purportedl­y sending Gowda derogatory messages, with his body later discovered at Sumanahall­i Bridge in Bengaluru.

 ?? PHOTOS: INSTAGRAM AND ANI ?? Pavithra Gowda
 ?? Darshan Thoogudeep­a ?? Rachita Ram
Darshan Thoogudeep­a Rachita Ram

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