Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Danish PM attack suspect says he doesn’t recall hitting her

- AP letters@hindustant­imes.com

COPENHAGEN: A Polish man accused of punching Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederikse­n told a Copenhagen court on Tuesday he doesn’t recall hitting her because he was under the influence of alcohol.

The suspect, whom Danish authoritie­s have ruled cannot be named in the media, risks prison time and deportatio­n if convicted.

The 39-year-old, who entered the Copenhagen district court wearing a T-shirt and jeans, was immediatel­y apprehende­d after the alleged assault on June 7 in a Copenhagen square. He denies responsibi­lity. Speaking in court, the accused said he remembered coming face-to-face with the prime minister, whom he recognised, but not putting his hand on her.

“I’m standing face to face with Mrs Prime Minister, (then) I can’t remember anything else until I am arrested,” he testified.

He said he believed the memory loss was the result of alcohol previously consumed starting to take effect, and the surprise of suddenly coming faceto-face with the prime minister.

He also said that the day had been “a bad” one for him but did not provide details.

Frederikse­n, 46, underwent a medical examinatio­n afterwards and was diagnosed with a “contusion on her right shoulder and a minor whiplash injury”, her office said at the time. Prosecutor Line Steffensen previously told media the suspect had been arrested on several occasions for shopliftin­g since moving to Denmark five years ago.

‘Hard punch’

The man has been charged with violence against a public servant for having punched Frederikse­n with a “closed fist on the right shoulder”, according to the charge sheet.

He has also been charged with several counts of indecent exposure and fraud relating to other incidents.

After the accused, the court heard testimonie­s from two of Frederikse­n’s bodyguards and a friend she was on her way to meet for coffee.

One of the bodyguards said there were many people walking in the street when the man approached the prime minister.

“He says something incomprehe­nsible to her. As he passes her, he gives her a hard punch with his fist on her shoulder,” the bodyguard told the court.

After the incident, Frederikse­n said she was “saddened and shaken” and did not take part in the final day of campaignin­g for the EU parliament elections in June. Speaking a week after the attack, Frederikse­n said she had sought profession­al help.

“I have gotten help for the first time in my life,” she told Danish television TV2 at a political festival on Denmark’s Bornholm island. Frederikse­n became Denmark’s youngestev­er head of government when she was elected in 2019, aged 41. She won re-election in 2022.

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