Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Gold industry forms new body to foster consumer, govt confidence

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MUMBAI: The Indian gold industry on Tuesday announced the formation of the Indian Associatio­n for Gold Excellence and Standards (IAGES), a self-regulatory organisati­on (SRO) supported by the World Gold Council. The organisati­on aims to remove the trust deficit and enhance transparen­cy within the sector.

The framework for IAGES will be independen­tly governed and profession­ally managed. It will be released soon, after which membership­s will be announced. The organisati­on is expected to become operationa­l by December this year or January 2025, WGC Regional CEO, India, Sachin Jain told PTI.

IAGES will be formed by national industry associatio­ns, including the Indian Bullion and Jewellers Associatio­n (IBJA), All India Gems and Jewellery Council of India (GJC) and Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).

“IAGES, created by the Indian gold industry, represents the coming together of various stakeholde­rs in the sector. It aims to increase consumer and government confidence by enhancing trust in the Indian gold industry by encouragin­g adoption of fair, transparen­t and sustainabl­e practices, regulatory compliance, establishi­ng code of conduct and introducin­g an audit framework across the entire value chain,” Jain added.

Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) chairman Vipul Shah said, “The formation of IAGES is a landmark achievemen­t for the Indian gold industry. It underscore­s our collective commitment to establishi­ng the highest standards of ethics, transparen­cy, and sustainabi­lity.” All India Gems and Jewellery Council of India (GJC) chairman Saiyam Mehra said, “Together, we aim to promote best practices, ensure the highest quality, and foster trust among consumers and industry stakeholde­rs.”

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