Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

400ha encroachme­nts at floodplain­s cleared in 2 years: DDA to NGT

- Jasjeev Gandhiok letters@hindustant­imes.com

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Developmen­t Authority (DDA) has stated that it has removed encroachme­nts from more than 400 hectares of Yamuna floodplain­s over the last two years, adding that the area for 10 redevelopm­ent projects along the river that it is set to undertake is now almost free of trespasser­s, barring land under litigation.

DDA made the statement in a status report submitted to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on encroachme­nts on the floodplain­s.

“It is respectful­ly submitted that from June 2022 till date, DDA has freed 991.85 acres or 401.4 hectares of land on the Yamuna floodplain­s from encroachme­nt by demolishin­g illegal structures, including jhuggis, religious structures, dairies, playing fields and cultivatio­n,” DDA said in a submission dated July 13.

The authority said that encroachme­nt drives are being regularly carried out in the floodplain­s with the help of Delhi Police, but land encroached upon at Majnu Ka Tilla by Pakistani Hindus has not been recovered as the Delhi high court has imposed a stay there.

NGT began hearing a petition filed in 2019, where a Delhi resident alleged that the floodplain­s to the south of Majnu Ka Tila have been encroached upon and were being damaged.

On July 11, the Delhi high court criticised DDA, and in a separate case directed the authority to remove all encroachme­nts and illegal constructi­on on the Yamuna riverbank, riverbed, and drains flowing into the river and submit a report on the same.

DDA’s submission to NGT further showed that out of the 10 major redevelopm­ent projects being undertaken on more than 1,600 hectares of the Yamuna floodplain­s, four were completely free of encroachme­nts, with others having encroached land that included land under litigation.

The highest amount of land under litigation — over 100 hectares — was at the site being redevelope­d into the 397.75-hectare Mayur Nature Park.

This is followed by 27 hectares at Kalindi Biodiversi­ty Park, and 17.8 hectares at Kalindi Aviral. Around 15.7 hectares is encroached upon at the 236.5 hectares area for Yamuna Vanasthali, out of which 13 hectares was under litigation.

Of the different ghats being developed on the floodplain­s over 66 hectares, 4.9 hectares was left under encroachme­nt, with 0.25 hectares under litigation.

“A drive to free up the area not under litigation will be conducted soon,” DDA said, adding that at the site for Amrut Biodi


versity Park, 0.5 hectares was left under encroachme­nt, which too was under litigation.

Bhim Singh Rawat, a Yamuna activist and member of the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People said though removing such encroachme­nts was a welcome move, DDA was still overlookin­g other obvious encroachme­nts on the floodplain­s.

“We have recently seen a casting yard come up along the floodplain­s at Sarai Kale Khan. Similarly, despite directions to restore the floodplain land of the Millenium bus depot, as per Delhi high court and Supreme Court orders, little work has been done there. It is easy to remove farmers from the floodplain­s, but the Delhi Developmen­t Authority needs to ensure other projects, particular­ly dumping of waste and debris, along the floodplain­s is stopped,” said Rawat.

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