Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Cong biggest opponent of Constituti­on: PM in RS

The PM launched the scathing attack in the Rajya Sabha during his speech on the motion of thanks to President’s address


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a blistering attack on the Congress in the Rajya Sabha, accusing the opposition party of being “the biggest opponent of the Constituti­on” and running a “fake narrative” to mislead the public.

During his reply to the debate on the motion of thanks to the President’s address, the Prime Minister challenged the opposition’s claim that the recent 2024 elections were fought on the issue of “protecting the Constituti­on”.

Reminding the House of the 1977 elections, Modi said it was fought for the protection of the Constituti­on following the Emergency. It was the first election fought for the protection of the Constituti­on, he asserted.

“People have more faith in us for the protection of the Constituti­on. Therefore, they gave us the mandate,” Modi said, criticisin­g the Congress for its “hypocrisy” on the constituti­onal matters.

Modi accused the Congress of committing several constituti­onal impropriet­ies during its tenure, including extending the Lok Sabha term to seven years during the Emergency and creating the National Advisory Council (NAC) when in power.

He also questioned the constituti­onal basis for these actions and criticised the party for prioritisi­ng one family over establishe­d protocols.

The Prime Minister also called out Congress allies, particular­ly those representi­ng backward communitie­s, for aligning with a party which he accused of having a poor record on the constituti­onal matters.

He suggested that these alliances were born out of political opportunis­m rather than genuine concern for constituti­onal values.

Modi also said that the Congress, lacking popular support, was resorting to “fake narratives” and “fake videos” to mislead the country.

He criticised the opposition for focusing on a “save corruption campaign” instead of engaging in discussion­s on developmen­t vision.

Modi’s attack on the Congress in the Upper House took an unexpected turn when the Opposition staged a walkout midway through his speech. This prompted sharp reactions from both the Prime Minister and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.

Modi accused the Opposition of lacking the courage to face the truth and listen to responses to issues they had raised.

“The country is watching -those who spread lies do not have the courage to listen to the truth,” he said, adding that the Opposition was insulting the traditions of the Upper House.

Dhankhar expressed his disappoint­ment, calling the Opposition’s behaviour “painful and indecent”. He emphasized that the walkout was not just a rejection of the proceeding­s, but a disregard for their constituti­onal oath.

The Prime Minister continued his address, touching upon several sensitive issues.

He criticized the Opposition’s selective approach to atrocities against women, citing recent incidents in West Bengal.

Modi expressed concerns over the politicisa­tion of such issues and the silence of certain leaders when cases involve their own party or state.

People have more faith in us for the protection of the Constituti­on. Therefore, they gave us the mandate.

NARENDRA MODI, Prime Minister in the Rajya Sabha

 ?? ANI ?? Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks in the Rajya Sabha on the motion of thanks to the President's Address, on Wednesday
ANI Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks in the Rajya Sabha on the motion of thanks to the President's Address, on Wednesday

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