Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Muslim quota under OBC tag to be reviewed: Minister

- Senjuti Sengupta letters@hindustant­imes.com

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led state government will soon review the reservatio­n given to 14 Muslim communitie­s under the Other Backward Castes (OBCs) category in the state between 1997 and 2013, the social justice and empowermen­t minister Avinash Gehlot said on Saturday.

Speaking to the reporters in Jaipur, Gehlot said, “The Congress government granted those reservatio­ns to those 14 Muslim communitie­s under the OBC category between 1997 and 2013 based on their appeasemen­t politics. BR Ambedkar, in his Constituti­on, said that nobody can grant a reservatio­n to a particular community based on their religion. We have all those circulars and therefore we will review it.”

The developmen­t came amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections when the BJP has been pushing the poll agenda against the opposition stating that “they provided reservatio­n to the Muslims unlawfully by scrapping the deserving portion of the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and other OBCs.”

Meanwhile, the Calcutta high court on Wednesday also cancelled the Other Backward Castes certificat­es of 77 communitie­s in West Bengal since 2010

— of which 75 were Muslim communitie­s, according to a division bench presided over by justice Tapabrata Chakrabort­y and justice Rajasekhar Mantha.

Citing illegitima­cy in the classifica­tion process of those communitie­s under the Other Backward Castes category by the West Bengal government, the court order also stated: “Identifica­tion of the classes in the aid community as OBCs for electoral gains would leave them at the mercy of the concerned political establishm­ent and may defeat and deny other rights. Such reservatio­n is therefore an affront to democracy and the Constituti­on of India as a whole.”

Responding to the developmen­t, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a poll rally in

Delhi’s Dwarka on the same day, called the Calcutta HC verdict a “tight slap” to the chief minister Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) government in West Bengal.

“Just today, the Calcutta high court has given a big slap to the INDIA bloc. The court has cancelled all OBC certificat­es issued since 2010. Why? Because the West Bengal government issued unwarrante­d OBC certificat­es to Muslims to increase their vote bank. They have crossed every limit in their obsession with appeasemen­t,” the PM said during the rally.

Later, while speaking to reporters on Thursday, Union home minister Amit Shah, also said, “The Banerjee-led government in West Bengal granted OBC reservatio­n to around 118 Muslim communitie­s without following any proper process and conducting a proper survey to identify the backward classes. People went to the court and taking cognizance of the matter, the HC had scrapped those certificat­es issued between 2010 to 2024. I welcome the verdict. She (CM Banerjee) wants to give reservatio­n to the Muslims instead of the deserving OBCs only to keep her vote bank intact.”

Meanwhile, addressing the issue during another rally in Lucknow on Thursday, Rajasthan CM Bhajan Lal Sharma, also said that “the verdict had put an end to Banerjee’s appeasemen­t politics as our constituti­on doesn’t permit such religionba­sed reservatio­n.”

Days after the developmen­t, the SJED minister Gehlot, on Thursday, claimed that the department has received a slew of complaints over such “religion-based reservatio­n” from the public in the last few months. “It’s high time to review those complaints. A high-level committee will be formed to verify them,” Gehlot said.

At present, Rajasthan has 64% reservatio­n – of which 21% is granted for OBCs, 16% for SCs, 12% for STs, 10% for Economical­ly Weaker Sections (EWS) and 5% for Most Backward Classes (MBC), an official aware of the matter said.

According to the Rajasthan SJED website, a total of 82 communitie­s fall under the OBC category in Rajasthan – of which around 29 are Muslim communitie­s.

Reacting on the matter, Congress spokespers­on Swarnim Chaturvedi said, “This is nothing but a politicall­y motivated decision. It was the BJP government which approved this reservatio­n between 1997 and 2013 to those Muslim communitie­s under OBC categories. Later, our government just followed it as per the recommenda­tions of the Mandal Commission report 1990.”

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? Rajasthan minister Avinash Gehlot.
HT PHOTO Rajasthan minister Avinash Gehlot.

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