Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Minor’s grandfathe­r arrested for ‘wrongful confinemen­t’ of driver

- Press Trust of India letters@hindustant­imes.com

The Pune police have arrested the grandfathe­r of the 17-year-old minor who allegedly fatally knocked down two people with his Porsche for alleged “wrongful confinemen­t” of their family driver, an official said on Saturday.

The teenager’s father, who is in judicial custody in connection with the car accident, has also been named in this case, he said.

A day earlier, Pune police chief Amitesh Kumar had said that an attempt was made to establish that the high-end car was not driven by the minor.

On a complaint by the family driver of the juvenile, the Yerawada police have registered a separate offence against the

teen’s grandfathe­r and father, he said.

The two have been booked under Sections 365 (kidnapping with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person) and 368 (wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinemen­t) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), he said.

“After the car crash, the teen’s grandfathe­r and father allegedly kept the driver’s phone with them and put him in confinemen­t in his house on the premises of their bungalow from May 19 to May 20. The driver was freed by his wife, said the official from the crime branch.

He said that they both allegedly threatened the driver and asked him to take the blame by claiming that he was at the wheel when the Porsche crashed into a motorcycle in the early hours of Sunday.

After the accident, the driver initially claimed he was driving the car, the commission­er said, adding, “Why and under whose pressure he said that will be disclosed at an appropriat­e time.” Citing their investigat­ion, Kumar said it had emerged that the juvenile was driving the car and they had already collected all the necessary chronologi­cal evidence.

 ?? PTI ?? The car, allegedly driven by a teenager, ran over two people killing them on May 19.
PTI The car, allegedly driven by a teenager, ran over two people killing them on May 19.

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