Hindustan Times (Patiala)


PUZZLE 16926

- © Gemini Crosswords 2018 All rights reserved



1 Blow computers - they’re naturally dangerous (4,6)

6 One old convert from heathenism (4)

10 Commonly used for funds (5)

11 Touching on a merger with indifferen­t result (9)

12 Grim morgues out East (8)

13 Dance seen out in Burma (5)

15 He didn’t trust his wife to return a greeting (7)

17 Showed no respect and ate greedily (7)

19 It’s often faced with resolution (3,4)

21 Unusual glee shown after getting a pass in school (7)

22 The dark chessman it’s said (5)

24 Yet a crooked dealer may deal himself one (8)

27 Not bubbly but neverthele­ss a grape product (5,4)

28 Communicat­ion and letter to post (1-4)

29 A requiremen­t of some magazine editors (4)

30 Payment for one episode of a serial (10)


1 After a job? (4)

2 No higher entertainm­ent (5,4)

3 Personal turning point in bank legislatio­n (5)

4 Top game can be the very devil (7)

5 Books for people just like you (7)

7 In fact a singular bit of informatio­n (5)

8 Their union offers security (4,3,3)

9 Partly burned fuel that draws well (8)

14 It’s bright and early (7,3)

16 Speak falsely yet be quiet (3,5)

18 Newcomer with a healthy complexion (5,4)

20 Two names written in a foreign language (7)

21 A dog to hire for the present (7)

23 A leading publicatio­n? (5)

25 Delia’s perfect form (5)

26 Conspiracy story (4)



1 Out of favour (2,8)

6 Catch one’s breath (4)

10 Venomous snake (5)

11 Accuse specifical­ly (4,5)

12 Consist of (8)

13 A revered emblem (5)

15 Caustic (7)

17 Of questionab­le truth (7)

19 Become airborne (4,3)

21 Make ready (7)

22 Blank book for stamps (5)

24 To record in writing (8)

27 Manly (9)

28 Quickly (5)

29 Principal (4)

30 Omen of imminent disaster (5,5)


1 An impatient desire (4)

2 Croatian Adriatic port (9)

3 Inundate (5)

4 Throw off all restraint (3,4)

5 To praise (7)

7 Acknowledg­e (5)

8 An expert (4,6)

9 Changeable (8)

14 Inflammati­on of the eye (10)

16 Huge (8)

18 Typically (2,7)

20 To pardon (7)

21 Colouring matter (7)

23 Underlying (5)

25 Remiss (5)

26 Favourably (4)

 ?? ??

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