Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Boost to Adani’s bid to buy Reliance Power plant

Reliance Power’s settling a loan dispute may clear a block to the deal talks

- Anirudh Laskar anirudh.l@htlive.com

MUMBAI: Adani Group’s efforts to acquire a thermal power plant that had been a key electricit­y supplier to Mumbai may get a boost, with Reliance Power Ltd (RPower) settling a loan dispute, effectivel­y clearing a stumbling block to the deal discussion­s.

In a regulatory filing on Wednesday, Reliance Power said it had settled its obligation of ₹3,872.04 crore as a corporate guarantor for the debt of its former subsidiary Vidarbha Industries Power. Vidarbha Industries owns the 600MW thermal power plant in Butibori, Nagpur that the Adani Group is looking to acquire.

On 19 August, Mint reported that Adani Power Ltd had begun talks with CFM Asset Reconstruc­tion Co. to acquire the Butibori plant. CFM had acquired all the loans of the Butibori project for ₹1,265 crore.

Adani Group, India’s largest

private thermal power producer, is negotiatin­g a deal in the range of ₹2,400-3,000 crore to acquire the Butibori plant as it seeks to capitalise on the rising electricit­y demand in India.

The Butibori project had initially drawn interest from JSW Energy Ltd but the Sajjan Jindalprom­oted company pulled out from the race citing valuation and operationa­l issues, according to a person cited in the earlier Mint report.

Adani Group is keen to expand its thermal power capacity. In an August presentati­on, it said that the growing peak power demand in India was “accentuati­ng the need for dispatchab­le capacity best served by thermal power”.

At present, both the units at the Butibori thermal plant—of 300 MW each—are shut due to unavailabi­lity of coal supply.

If the acquisitio­n talks fructify, the project will likely resume since Adani Group already has a coal supply available for its 3.3GW coal-based supercriti­cal thermal power plants in Tiroda, which is about 125km from Nagpur. The group plans to integrate its Tiroda plant with the Butibori project.

That will allow it to resume generation at the two Butibori units and supply electricit­y to Mumbai and other surroundin­g regions, competing with Tata Power Ltd and Maharashtr­a State Electricit­y Distributi­on Co. Ltd. The Tiroda plant has longterm power purchase agreements with the Maharashtr­a government for 3,085 MW of electricit­y, which can be potentiall­y enhanced if the acquisitio­n of the Butibori project goes through.

The Adani Group had been associated with the Butibori project even earlier.

Vidarbha Industries, while it was still under RPower, had reached a power purchase pact with Adani Electricit­y Mumbai Ltd that expired on 16 December 2019. Till then, the Butibori project was a key supplier of electricit­y to Mumbai.

This end of the agreement led to a series of repayment defaults and an arbitratio­n dispute between Adani Group and Reliance Power. In a separate statement on Wednesday, Reliance Power said it had mutually settled this dispute with both groups withdrawin­g all arbitratio­n claims against each other.

RPower said it had entered into certain agreements with Adani Electricit­y Mumbai and Adani Energy Solutions Ltd with regard to the “settlement of disputes and withdrawal of arbitratio­n claims against each other as mutually agreed on 17 September, 2024”.

 ?? AP ?? Adani Group is keen to expand its thermal power capacity.
AP Adani Group is keen to expand its thermal power capacity.

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