Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Women to cover faces, men to grow beards’

- Reuters letters@hindustant­imes.com

KABUL: Afghanista­n’s Taliban formally codified a long set of rules governing morality this week, ranging from requiring women to cover their faces and men to grow beards to banning car drivers from playing music, the justice ministry said.

The rules, promoted as in line with Islamic sharia law and to be enforced by the morality ministry, were based on a decree by the Taliban’s supreme spiritual leader in 2022 and were now officially published as law, a justice ministry spokesman said.

The Taliban’s restrictio­ns on women and freedom of expression have drawn sharp criticism from rights groups and many foreign government­s since the former insurgents resumed control of Afghanista­n in 2021.

Western capitals, led by Washington, have said the path to formal recognitio­n of the Taliban is largely stalled until they reverse course on women’s rights and open high schools to girls.

The 35-article morality law was officially enacted and published on Wednesday after being ratified by Supreme Spiritual Leader Haibatulla­h Akhundzada, said justice ministry spokespers­on Barakatull­ah Rasoli. “According to this law, the Ministry (for Prevention of Vice and Propagatio­n of Virtue) is obligated to promote good and forbid evil in accordance with Islamic Sharia,” the justice ministry said in a statement.

The requiremen­ts include women to wear attire that fully covers their bodies and faces and bars men from shaving their beards as well as from skipping prayer and religious fasts.

Penalties for violations included “advice, warnings of divine punishment, verbal threats, confiscati­on of property, detention for one hour to three days in public jails, and any other punishment deemed appropriat­e,” the justice ministry added.

 ?? AFP ?? Taliban security personnel in Kabul on August 14.
AFP Taliban security personnel in Kabul on August 14.

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