Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Travel was hectic, taxi drivers charged more’

- HT Correspond­ent letters@htlive.com

LUCKNOW: Candidates emerging from exam centres after appearing in the U.P. Police constable recruitmen­t exam in the state capital on Friday, gave mixed reactions about their experience. According to some, the paper was tough, while others said it was not difficult. The candidates, many of whom had arrived from various cities and districts of the state, also spoke about some of the issues they faced, particular­ly transport.

According to some candidates, travelling from the railway station and bus stop was a bit hectic. Some also said they were unaware about the location of the shelters provided by the administra­tion for the candidates.

Some candidates claimed that taxi drivers were charging more than double the usual amount to take them to the centre . Many candidates chose to take the metro but for others, the only option was a taxi.

Tanishq Singh, a candidate who came from Mumbai, where he works as an accountant, claimed that the paper was tough and the seating list was provided very late to the arts and physics candidates, causing them to run around a lot. He also mentioned the inconvenie­nce outside the exam centre due to the rush.

Sonu, a candidate from Bihar, said the paper was not too tough and he did not face any issues in solving it. He found the paper very similar to that in the last exam.

Another candidate, Rishi Singh from Prayagraj district, said that last year’s paper was complicate­d, but this time it was not that challengin­g. He mentioned that the process of submitting the mobiles was a bit slow. He said he arrived at 5 am and had to wait till 10 am as his train had arrived early.

Ramfrom Ghazipur district mentioned that many aspirants who had not updated their biometrics and other informatio­n in the Adhaar card faced issues .

Chandrakan­t, an inspector, said that the cops were able to manage the crowd outside the centre. He mentioned that there were some issues which caused a lot of congestion at some points, but the crowd automatica­lly decreased once all the students got inside the centres. He also said there were sufficient police personnel to guide the students who were confused.

 ?? DEEPAK GUPTA/HT ?? Gridlocked traffic near KKC in Lucknow, where police constable exam was underway on Friday.
DEEPAK GUPTA/HT Gridlocked traffic near KKC in Lucknow, where police constable exam was underway on Friday.

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