Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


- Rajeev Jayaswal rajeev.jayaswal@htlive.com

India aims to double its exports to African countries to $200 billion by 2030, focusing on sectors like automobile­s, agricultur­e, pharmaceut­icals and logistics, commerce secretary Sunil Barthwal said on Thursday, identifyin­g the continent as a key destinatio­n for Indian dispatches.

Speaking at the 19th India-Africa Business Conclave, Barthwal emphasised Africa’s potential as an emerging market for Indian exports and suggested Indian firms could play a crucial role in enhancing the region’s food security through seed technology sharing and establishi­ng incubation centres. India’s bilateral merchandis­e trade with African nations reached $100 billion in 2022, Barthwal noted.

The conclave, organised by the Confederat­ion of Indian Industry (CII), was attended by vice presidents from Burundi, Gambia, Liberia, Mauritius and Zimbabwe. Dammu Ravi, secretary of economic relations at the ministry of external affairs, urged Indian investors to establish a strong presence in African manufactur­ing zones and consider expanding special economic zones in Africa.

Barthwal highlighte­d four potential areas of trade identified by the African Continenta­l Free Trade Area: automobile­s, agricultur­e and agro-processing, pharmaceut­icals, and transporta­tion and logistics. “We firmly believe that these sectors have huge potential for collaborat­ion in terms of investment, trade, technology and capacity building between Africa and India,” Barthwal said.

India’s pharma exports to Africa stood at $3.8 billion in 2023, with potential for significan­t growth, he added. Barthwal also noted Africa’s capacity to supply critical minerals crucial for India’s energy transition.

Gambian Vice President Muhammad BS Jallow said the conclave facilitate­d discussion­s with Indian companies in key areas such as energy, infrastruc­ture developmen­t, affordable housing and healthcare.

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