Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Bangladesh students intensify protests, demand PM’s ouster

Rallies against civil service job quotas sparked days of mayhem in July that killed over 200 people

- Agence France-Presse letters@hindustant­imes.com

Bangladesh­i student leaders on Saturday said they would carry on a planned nationwide civil disobedien­ce campaign until Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned following last month’s deadly police crackdown on protesters.

Rallies against civil service job quotas sparked days of mayhem in July that killed more than 200 people in some of the worst unrest of Hasina’s 15-year tenure.

Troop deployment­s briefly restored order but crowds returned to the streets in huge numbers this week ahead of an all-out non-cooperatio­n movement aimed at paralysing the government planned to begin on Sunday.

Students Against Discrimina­tion, the group responsibl­e for organising the initial protests, rebuffed an offer of talks with Hasina earlier in the day before announcing their campaign would continue until the premier and her government step down.

“She must resign and she must face trial,” Nahid Islam, the group’s leader, told a crowd of thousands at a monument to national heroes in the capital Dhaka to roars of approval.

Students Against Discrimina­tion have asked their compatriot­s to cease paying taxes and utility bills from Sunday to pile pressure on the government.

They have also asked government workers and labourers in the country’s economical­ly vital garment factories to strike.

“She must go because we don’t need this authoritar­ian government,” Nijhum Yasmin, 20, told AFP from one of many protests staged around Dhaka on Saturday.

“Did we liberate the country to see our brothers and sisters shot dead by this regime?”

The looming non-cooperatio­n campaign deliberate­ly evokes a historical civil disobedien­ce campaign during Bangladesh’s 1971 liberation war against Pakistan.

That earlier movement was spearheade­d by Hasina’s father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the country’s independen­ce leader, and is remembered by Bangladesh­is as a part of a proud battle against tyranny.

“Now the tables have turned,” Illinois State University politics professor Ali Riaz told AFP.

“The regime’s foundation has been shaken, the aura of invincibil­ity has disappeare­d,” he added.

“The question is whether Hasina is ready to look for an exit or fight to the last.”

32 children killed

Hasina, 76, has ruled Bangladesh since 2009 and won her fourth consecutiv­e election in January after a vote without genuine opposition.

Her government is accused by rights groups of misusing state institutio­ns to entrench its hold on power and stamp out dissent, including the extrajudic­ial killing of opposition activists.

Demonstrat­ions began in early July over the reintroduc­tion of a quota scheme -- since scaled back by Bangladesh’s top court -- that reserved more than half of all government jobs for certain groups.

With around 18 million young Bangladesh­is out of work, according to government figures, the move upset graduates facing an acute employment crisis.

The protests had remained largely peaceful until attacks on demonstrat­ors by police and pro-government student groups.

Hasina’s government eventually imposed a nationwide curfew, deployed troops and shut down the nation’s mobile internet network for 11 days to restore order.

But the clampdown provoked a torrent of criticism from abroad and failed to quell widespread rancour at home.

Crowds returned to the streets in huge numbers after Friday prayers in the Muslimmajo­rity nation, heeding a call by student leaders to press the government for more concession­s.

 ?? AFP ?? Students shout slogans during a protest march as they demand justice for victims killed in the recent nationwide violence over job quotas, in Dhaka, on Saturday.
AFP Students shout slogans during a protest march as they demand justice for victims killed in the recent nationwide violence over job quotas, in Dhaka, on Saturday.

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