Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

LDA, LMC in slumber as localities grapple with waterloggi­ng

- Animesh Mishra Animesh.mishra@partner.htlive.com

Constant waterloggi­ng in several areas of the state capital has caused misery for residents. Though there has not been heavy rainfall in the city for the past few days, Nehru Enclave, Faizullaga­nj, Arjun Ganj, Indira Nagar, Khargapur, Gomti Nagar Extension and several other areas are waterlogge­d.

Residents complain that they are at risk of catching communicab­le diseases on account of rainwater accumulati­on in open areas. Residents of Nehru Enclave, Anju Varshney and Ravi Srivastava said rainwater accumulati­on in an empty ground in their area could be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Anju Varshney was apprehensi­ve that kids could fall ill due to mosquito breeding. Both residents reported the issue to the authoritie­s, including the LDA and LMC, but no action was taken. Ravi Srivastava said he informed additional municipal commission­er Pankaj Srivastava but to no avail.

Vikas Tiwari, a resident of Gomti Nagar Extension, said. “Waterloggi­ng just after rainfall is a major issue in our area. When we complained to the senior officials of the LMC, a team arrived.They made some videos and then left.”

Mamta Tripathi of Faizullaga­nj said, “We have never seen any work being done in our area to address the mosquito problem. About 50 people in our area are unwell due to this issue. We raised this concern several times, but senior officials have never acted. The work done by the officials is never reflected. We have also written a letter to chief minister Yogi Adityanath, regarding the lack of action by the department­s concerned.”

Akash Tripathi, a resident of Khargapur, said waterloggi­ng for several days made it difficult to walk in the evening due to mosquitoes. He too said the issue was raised with the officials of Zone 4, but remained unresolved .

Additional municipal commission­er Pankaj Srivastava was not available for comment.

 ?? SOURCED ?? A waterlogge­d Nehru Enclave
SOURCED A waterlogge­d Nehru Enclave

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