Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Free power riders switch on concerns for over 4L farmers

The UPPCL introduced a set of conditions for farmers to be able to avail of the 100% rebate on electricit­y

- Brajendra K Parashar bkparashar@htlive.com

Over four lakh farmers in Uttar Pradesh risk losing access to free power if they do not register for the scheme by July 31, the deadline that has already been extended twice since the original one ended on June 30.

These farmers are apparently reluctant to give their consent to installati­on of meters on their irrigation pump sets, fearing that they will start getting bills as per the units actual consumed. Installati­on of a meter and payment of old dues are preconditi­ons to availing of the free power scheme.

The Uttar Pradesh government, in its last budget, provided for 100% rebate in the energy usage charges in bills of agricultur­al tube wells used by farmers.

The UP Power Corporatio­n Ltd (UPPCL), in its standard operating procedures (SOPs) unveiled before the announceme­nt of the Lok Sabha polls, introduced a set of conditions for farmers to be able to avail themselves of the 100% rebate on electricit­y usage by their agricultur­al pump sets, including capping the maximum usage of free power to save groundwate­r from being wasted.

SOPs also mandate installati­on of energy meters on private tube well connection­s, making it a prerequisi­te for farmers to qualify for the ostensibly “free” power. Also, as per the SOPs, farmers are required to clear any outstandin­g arrears as on March 31, 2023 against their tube well connection­s to access the free power benefits.

These riders have put many farmers in a fix. They are not able to make up their mind whether they should opt for the free power option or continue with the existing arrangemen­t that they feel is more beneficial.

The recent data prepared by the UPPCL, however, show that 413,000 farmers in the state still do not have meters installed. Hence, they will not receive free electricit­y benefits if they do not give consent to installati­on of a meter by July 31, the deadline that may not be extended any more.

There are 14,96,334 agricultur­al tube wells in the state. Prior to the announceme­nt of the free power scheme, a little more than 5 lakh of them did not have meters.

“Out of 5.05 lakh unmetered tube wells, only 1.82 lakh have installed meters since the SOPs were issued,” said a senior UPPCL official.

“Additional­ly, so far, out of 904,000 farmers, only 534,000 have paid their old arrears, leaving 370,000 farmers in default. If they do not pay their bills by July 31, they will not be eligible for free electricit­y benefits,” he added.

Despite reassuranc­es from the government that the meters will be used solely for energy auditing purposes, many farmers fear they will be charged based on the units consumed if meters are installed.

“This apprehensi­on has led to reluctance among a significan­t number of farmers to comply with the scheme’s requiremen­ts,” the official said.

It is said that wherever the farmer unions are strong, especially in West UP, fewer meters have been installed. The highest number of tube wells are in this region, and farmers oppose these meters because they believe that bills will be generated based on meter readings.

Another reason for farmers being reluctant to avail of free power is the condition that 100% rebate in fixed charges as well as energy charges will be available only up to 140 units per KW/per month to the maximum limit of 7.46 KW (10 HP)/1044 units a month. Power consumptio­n above this limit will be charged as per the prevailing tariff.

In Bundelkhan­d, however, farmers have been allowed 100% rebate on tube well connection of capacity up to 9.32 KW (12.5 HP). This means a farmer owning a tube well of 9.32 KW can consume 1300 units free per month there. However, the rebate in fixed charges for any tube well above 10 HP or 7.46 KW will be only 50%.


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