Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Joe Biden takes fight to Trump in bid to rescue troubled prez campaign

- Bloomberg letters@hindustant­imes.com

President Joe Biden said he was being unfairly targeted for his verbal miscues and vowed to “shine a spotlight” on Republican Donald Trump and his agenda, as the Democrat looked to pivot away from a debate performanc­e that badly damaged his campaign.

“It’s going to be all about Trump from here on out,” Biden told supporters in Detroit in the swing state of Michigan, on Friday.

Biden delivered a refreshed stump speech that included an outline of his planned first 100 days in a second term and some of the bluntest attacks on Trump’s legal troubles to date to a boisterous crowd that met him with a chant of “Don’t you quit!” He reiterated his intention to stay in the race.

“I am running, and we’re going to win. I’m not going to change that,” the president said.

Biden went after the “Project 2025” blueprint put forward by Trump backers that calls for mass deportatio­ns, socially conservati­ve policies, slashing federal agencies and politicisi­ng the civil service.

Biden, 81, accused the news media of covering concerns about his age at the expense of Trump’s plans, and of ignoring the former president’s flubs.

“No more free passes,” the US president said.

Musk donates to Trump

Billionair­e Elon Musk has donated to a super political

action committee (PAC) working to elect Donald Trump to the White House, a major gambit by the world’s richest person to make his imprint on the US political landscape.

It’s unclear how much Musk has given, but the people characteri­zed the figure as a sizable amount. The PAC is next required to disclose its list of donors on July 15.

 ?? AFP ?? US President Joe Biden speaks to supporters at a campaign event at Renaissanc­e High School in Detroit, Michigan, on Friday.
AFP US President Joe Biden speaks to supporters at a campaign event at Renaissanc­e High School in Detroit, Michigan, on Friday.

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