Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

MIB adds new provisions to draft broadcasti­ng bill

- Aditi Agrawal letters@hindustant­imes.com

The government has added a new provision to the draft Broadcasti­ng Services (Regulation) Bill that grants the central government power to direct any internet service provider or social media company to take “appropriat­e action for implementa­tion” of the Bill, the ministry of informatio­n and broadcasti­ng (MIB) told stakeholde­rs in its presentati­on during the consultati­on on July 9.

At the same presentati­on, the MIB also acknowledg­ed that for stakeholde­rs, the impact of inclusion of OTT and digital news services was the major point of concern in the bill.

The Bill was released for public consultati­on on November 10 last year. In the July 9 meeting, the I&B secretary told senior officials to share the updated draft with stakeholde­rs to receive comments by July 31 but the draft has not been shared thus far. In the July 9 presentati­on, during the discussion the same day, and in an email sent on June 3, the MIB made it clear that there is a difference between linear broadcaste­rs and on-demand broadcasti­ng services that the Bill recognises by allowing for different programme and advertisin­g codes for them. The MIB will also review the existing programme and advertisin­g codes, and all new codes will be framed only after due consultati­on.

MIB said that in the new draft, OTT and digital news broadcaste­rs have been exempted from criminal penalties for failing to intimate to the government on reaching the prescribed threshold.

Unlike all other broadcaste­rs in the bill who are required to register with the government, both OTT broadcasti­ng services, and any person “who broadcasts news and current affairs programs” online, including through social media, have to provide an intimation to the central government of their operations if they have Indian subscriber­s or viewers above a to-be-defined threshold.

The compositio­n of the Content Evaluation Committee (CEC) will be decided by the broadcaste­rs in the updated draft. In the new draft, programmes such as news and current affairs, programs already certified by the CBFC and others as may be notified are part of this list, the June 3 email said.

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