Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Ensure sec school teachers, staff mark biometric attendance’

According to the order, for a good education system, timely attendance of teachers in schools is mandatory

- HT Correspond­ent letters@htlive.com


With a view to ensuring punctualit­y, teachers and other employees working in government secondary schools across Uttar Pradesh will have to record their attendance through biometric machines that will be linked with their salaries.

Thousands of secondary school teachers in the state were flouting the existing order after which director, secondary education, Uttar Pradesh, Mahendra Dev sent a reminder on July 12 for its strict implementa­tion.

Dev said the attendance of teachers/non-teaching staff working in all the government secondary schools of the state is now compulsory through biometric machine.

To implement the government order of August 2022, Dev asked all district inspector of schools to immediatel­y take necessary action regarding making attendance of teachers/ non-teaching staff working in government secondary school compulsory through biometric machine.

The head of the institutio­n should compulsori­ly submit the biometric attendance of teachers/non-teaching staff along with their monthly salary bill and action should be taken to pass the salary bill on its basis.

The head of the institutio­ns concerned should compulsori­ly ensure that teachers and non-teaching staff record their attendance electronic­ally.

The director, secondary education, U.P. has issued an order to this effect. According to the order, for a good education system, timely attendance of teachers in schools is mandatory.

“To record attendance electronic­ally, biometric machines have been set up in all government secondary schools of the state,” he said.

It is directed that in accordance with the guidelines issued by the government, immediate necessary action should be ensured regarding making the attendance of teachers/ nonteachin­g employees working in government secondary schools mandatory through biometric machine.

“After basic, now secondary education department has sent a reminder to teachers of government and government aided schools to mark biometric attendance compulsory.

“There are 2,389 government schools, 4712 aided schools. The order is for govt and aided institutio­ns as a number of them are violating it,” Dev said.

 ?? HT FILES ?? Teachers protesting against implementa­tion of the order.
HT FILES Teachers protesting against implementa­tion of the order.

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