Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Railways’ role as a job creator is underplaye­d

- Amithabha Khare Amitabha Khare is an officer with the Indian Railways. The views expressed are personal

As the lifeline of India, the Indian Railways (IR) connects far-flung corners of the country, enabling millions to travel for work, education, trade and leisure. Spanning a vast network of over 68,000 kilometres across plains, hills, valleys and ghats, IR is an enduring symbol of national integratio­n and progress.

The sheer scale of its operations is staggering. It transports over 23 million passengers daily — close to the entire population of Australia. Managing this mammoth feat are more than 1.2 million dedicated employees, working across 17 zones and around 68 divisions, across the length and breadth of our nation. From loco pilots and engineers to paramedics and the railway protection force, IR is among India’s largest employers, offering highly sought-after careers, spending huge sums of money in salaries and other benefits for its workforce. This outgo increases by a substantia­l factor after each successive pay commission.

The last decade has witnessed an unpreceden­ted transforma­tion of IR. Record levels of electrific­ation, introducti­on of modern trains, expansion of rail lines, enhanced safety measures, adoption of new technologi­es and automation to re-imagine train journeys have redefined rail travel. Remarkably, even amid the disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic, when many private enterprise­s resorted to layoffs and pay cuts, IR continued to offer full employee salaries, benefits and perks, ranging from subsidised housing, free medical assistance, travel and leisure, bonuses and much more. The compassion­ate appointmen­t of wards of railway servants who meet with untimely death, incapacita­tion or go missing further highlights its sensitivit­y and compassion towards employees’ families and its overall employee-centric ethos.

At the heart of the success of IR lies its most valuable asset — its human resources. With a workforce spanning hundreds of diverse technical and non-technical roles, the Railways relies on the expertise, dedication, and synergy of its employees to keep the wheels of the nation moving. Recruiting the right talent to power this behemoth is no mean feat. Twenty-one Railway Recruitmen­t Boards, spread across India, conduct some of the world’s largest competitiv­e exams, with consistent efforts on making railway recruitmen­ts more and more inclusive by reaching out to far flung areas of the country and conducting exams in 15 Indian languages. Even during the pandemic, IR has been providing commendabl­e, consistent levels of employment. A recent recruitmen­t drive attracted over 2.37 crore candidates vying for 1.39 lakh positions. Conducting these exams in hundreds of cities (726 examinatio­n centres in 211 cities in a recent test), in multiple languages, while upholding the highest standards of transparen­cy, is a logistical triumph. The overarchin­g theme of the IR’s rapid transforma­tion is duly reflected in its remarkable adoption of technology in large-scale public sector recruitmen­ts. The switch to computer-based tests has minimised the scope for fraud and hastened the recruitmen­t process.

IR has been increasing vacancies and opportunit­ies to recruit more staff as its network continues to expand. Over the last decade (2014-15 to 2023-24), IR has employed over 5.02 lakh candidates in various Group C posts, significan­tly outpacing the number of 4.11 lakh candidates recruited in the preceding ten years. IR has empanelled 34,370 assistant loco pilots (ALPs) between 2019-2024. In the current recruitmen­t of ALPs, the vacancies have increased from 5,696 to 18,799, vide the notificati­on released on June 18.

As IR continues its transforma­tive journey, modernisin­g infrastruc­ture and expanding reach, they are expected to generate more employment opportunit­ies. It is learnt that over 15,000 additional posts have been generated to ensure employment. Employment notificati­on for filling up 19,500 vacancies has already been issued so far. More vacancies are expected to be notified during the year. The welcome measure of creating an annual recruitmen­t calendar for various critical roles will further impart greater predictabi­lity and regularity to the employment process.

Unparallel­ed statistics of recent recruitmen­ts and consistent improvemen­t measures underline IR’s status as India’s vital job creator. By continuall­y refining its recruitmen­t strategies and leveraging technology, the organisati­on is not only meeting its human resource needs but also setting benchmarks for large-scale talent acquisitio­n in the country. IR’s regular induction and harnessing of the power of its human capital may script new chapters of inclusive growth and shared prosperity for the nation.

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