Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Portal set to cross ₹6L-cr sales in 2024-25

- Rajeev Jayaswal letters@hindustant­imes.com

State-run Government e-Marketplac­e (GeM), which is set to cross ₹6 lakh crore sales volume in 2024-25 to become world’s top e-commerce portal for public procuremen­t ahead of Korea ON-line E-Procuremen­t System (KONEPS), plans to launch two new features within the first 100-days of the NDA government–an online bidding system for civil works and job opportunit­ies for 5,000 ‘GeM SAHAYAKs’, officials said.

As compared to ₹4 lakh crore gross merchandis­e value (GMV) in 2023-24, the current GMV has already crossed ₹1.65 lakh crore as on date, GeM chief executive officer Prashant Kumar Singh said. In the first quarter of the current financial year, procuremen­t of goods and services through the GeM crossed ₹1,24,761 crore, including ₹80,502 crore for services (as compared to ₹18,557 crore in Q1 of 2023-24).

“Driven by services, we expect to close the current financial year at around ₹6 lakh crore. At this pace, we would soon become world’s largest online public procuremen­t platform,” he added. GeM has already surpassed Singapore’s GeBIZ to become the second largest.

GeM is confident of surpassing KONEPS because it plans to launch civil works contracts on its platform soon. While GeM currently offers goods and services on its portal, KONEPS does all three – goods, services and work contracts. The matter will require the cabinet’s approvel, one government official aware of the developmen­t said requesting anonymity.

Singh confirmed the developmen­t. “We are consulting stakeholde­rs on this. After that we will send the proposal to the government (the commerce ministry) to take it forward,” he said.

While both public and private sectors companies, including micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSMEs) can sell their products and services through GeM, the buyers can only be government entities, including gram panchayats and public sector firms.

It is mandatory for government entities to procure goods and services from the portal. GeM has over 150,000 government buyers and over 6.2 million sellers offering a wide range of goods and services, including automobile­s, computers, office furniture, logistics services, waste management, and IT services.

“The addition of civil works in GeM would expand its scope, enhance transparen­cy in the award of public civil contracts, eliminate possibilit­ies of corruption and fix responsibi­lities for delays in completion of public projects,” the official mentioned above said.

A start will be made with, small civil works such as constructi­on of government buildings, pavements, drainage system, and other public utilities and the same would be optional, he said. Globally, 90% of total public procuremen­t includes work contracts, he added.

Singh said the portal is launching an initiative to train and certify ‘GeM Sahayaks’ to provide expertise to buyers and sellers. “GeM Sahayaks will offer their services to potential and existing users in navigating processes in the portal and help them in proper cataloguin­g to enhance the value prepositio­n for them.

“Initially, we may train 5,000 people who would be stationed at key pin codes of the country. Later their numbers could be doubled,” Singh said.

At this pace, we would soon become the world’s largest online public procuremen­t platform PRASHANT KUMAR SINGH, GeM chief executive officer

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