Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Israel strikes Gaza, killing 42 people as fierce fighting rages

Residents say Israeli forces appear to be trying to complete their capture of Rafah, which borders Egypt

- Agencies letters@hindustant­imes.com

CAIRO/GAZA STRIP: At least 42 people were killed in Israeli attacks on districts of Gaza City in the north of the Palestinia­n enclave on Saturday as troops engaged in close-quarter combat with Hamas militants.

One Israeli strike on houses in Al-Shati, one of the Gaza Strip’s eight historic refugee camps, killed 24 people, Ismail Al-Thawabta, the director of the Hamas-run government media office told Reuters. Another 18 Palestinia­ns were killed in a strike on houses in the Al-Tuffah neighbourh­ood. The Israeli military released a brief statement saying: “A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck two Hamas military infrastruc­ture sites in the area of Gaza City.”

Meanwhile, residents said the Israelis appeared to be trying to complete their capture of Rafah, which borders Egypt and has been the focus of an Israeli assault since early May.

Tanks were forcing their way into the western and northern parts of the city, having already captured the east, south and centre. Firing from planes, tanks and ships off the coast caused more people to flee the city, which a few months ago was sheltering more than a million displaced people, most of whom have now relocated

again. Earlier, the military said its forces were conducting “precise, intelligen­ce-based” actions in the Rafah area, where troops were involved in close-quarter combat and had located tunnels used by militants.

Israeli women rush to buy guns after Oct 7 attack

With many Israelis gripped by a sense of insecurity following Hamas’s unpreceden­ted October 7 attack, the number of women applying for gun permits has soared.

According to security ministry data, there have been 42,000 applicatio­ns by women for gun permits since the attack, with 18,000 approved, more than tripling the number of pre-war licenses held by women.

More than 15,000 women

civilians now own a firearm in Israel and the occupied West Bank, with 10,000 enrolled in mandatory training, according to the ministry.

“I would have never thought of buying a weapon or getting a permit, but since October 7, things changed a little bit,” political science professor Limor Gonen told AFP during a weapons handling class at a shooting range in the West Bank settlement of Ariel.

 ?? REUTERS ?? People search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes at Al Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, on Saturday.
REUTERS People search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes at Al Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, on Saturday.

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