Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Re-election a tall task in Indian politics

As country’s mammoth election is more than halfway done, a look at the key role and reasons behind anti-incumbency

- letters@hindustant­imes.com Gilles Verniers

Contrary to common practice in most democracie­s, incumbent candidates in India often face an ‘incumbency disadvanta­ge’

In the ongoing 2024 general elections, more than 8,000 candidates are competing for 543 seats in the Lok Sabha. Many of these individual­s are contesting for the first time. One cornerston­e of India’s electoral politics is the high turnover of elected representa­tives. Contrary to common practice in most democracie­s, incumbent candidates in India do not benefit from incumbency advantage; in fact, scholars have long spoken of an “incumbency disadvanta­ge” in the Indian context.

In 2019, 226 elected members of Parliament (MPs) were incumbents (41%), which is a low figure considerin­g that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) consolidat­ed the single-party majority it won in 2014. Only half of the BJP’s MPs (154 out of 303, to be exact) were elected in 2014, and 139 of its 149 non-incumbent MPs were elected to Parliament for the first time. Among the 228 elected Opposition MPs, only 67 were incumbents, while 132 were firsttime MPs. Additional historical data on individual incumbency indicates that this phenomenon is not new. In fact, the share of re-elected incumbent MPs was even lower during the first two decades after independen­ce, during the previous era of the Congress’s dominance.

The turnover among India’s political class and the declining pool of stable political representa­tives raises important questions about the nature of representa­tion in India and the functionin­g of legislativ­e accountabi­lity. This article reviews six decades of data on candidates, nomination patterns, and incumbency to extract broader trends that will not only determine the contours of the 2024 race but also inevitably shape the new Parliament that is formed after June 4.

Dissecting political turnover

What explains India’s high rates of political turnover? The following sections utilise data from the Trivedi Centre for Political Data’s Indian Individual Incumbency Dataset, in which a unique identifica­tion number was coded for each of the 90,583 candidates who contested general elections in India from 1962 to 2019. This identifica­tion number enables the calculatio­n of individual incumbency and career trajectory variables, such as the number of elections contested, terms served, incumbency status, as well as turncoat status of candidates.

The first explanatio­n for the high turnover is that not all incumbent MPs rerun in the first place. From 1967 to 2019, fewer than 70% of all MPs, on average, re ran, and 55% of these re-running MPs got reelected. Therefore, if one does not factor in re-running rates, the average share of incumbent MPs in the Lok Sabha would stand at a scant 38%.

These figures are relatively consistent over time. The share of re-running MPs tends to increase when general elections are held in close proximity, as in the 1990s when a series of fractious coalition government­s failed to complete their full five-year terms in office. In recent years, the share of rerunning MPs has declined further. In 2019, only 67% of all incumbent MPs stood for reelection.

The rate of incumbency varies across parties. For example, the Congress tends to retain more of its incumbents than the BJP. On the other hand, the renominati­on strategies of regional parties tend to fluctuate. In 2014, the ratio of rerunning incumbents was similar across the two national parties and regional parties. In 2019, by contrast, regional parties discarded most of their sitting MPs. There are also regional variations. Some of the largest states —including Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal—exhibit a high rate of re-running incumbents. However, smaller states such as Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Telangana saw very few sitting MPs re-running in 2019. None of Chhattisga­rh’s eleven MPs elected in 2019 were incumbents (and 10 of them were first-time MPs).

Candidate reshufflin­g is not a function of electoral competitiv­eness but of political parties’ distinct organisati­ons, cultures, electoral strategies, and recruitmen­t practices. For instance, the BJP in Gujarat — during Narendra Modi’s chief ministeria­l tenure — used to, on average, discard 50% of their members of the legislativ­e assembly (MLAs) each election.

Over the last two decades, my research has shown that most political parties tend to recruit candidates from similar sociologic­al pools made of selffunded individual­s connected to local business networks. Therefore, it is easier to discard sitting MPs when they are recruited from outside party organisati­ons. The Bahujan Samaj Party, which recruits its candidates from locally dominant social groups, is a case in point. Turncoats regularly fielded by parties also reinforce the notion that candidates are interchang­eable.

An assembly of newcomers

As a result of this high turnover, three-quarters of all MPs elected since 1977 have been either first-time or twoterm MPs. While a high turnover of representa­tives may indicate elite circulatio­n, it also limits cumulative legislativ­e experience among parliament­ary representa­tives. In the 17th Lok Sabha, elected in 2019, only 22% of MPs were elected for a third term or higher and were well distribute­d across parties and across regions. During Modi’s tenure as prime minister, the share of experience­d MPs has significan­tly decreased to levels not seen since the 1970s. This modern-day decrease is unsurprisi­ng given that the BJP won many new seats with new candidates over the past two elections. In the case of the Congress, only eleven of the 52 MPs elected in 2019 served in either of the two prior legislatur­es during the tenure of the Congress–led United Progressiv­e Alliance government. Only three — Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury — consistent­ly served in the Lok Sabha during the last four terms.

Explanatio­ns for India’s political churn

Why do so few incumbent MPs re-run and get re-elected? Three types of explanatio­ns account for this phenomenon.

First, parties have multiple incentives to remove sitting MPs. For instance, they can field fresh faces as an attempt to buck anti-incumbency. Some parties claim to use the spectre of renominati­on as a reward for high-performing MPs and as a sanction for underperfo­rming MPs. Empiricall­y, there is little evidence that performanc­e predicts a legislator’s chances of renominati­on. More importantl­y, the threat of non-renominati­on is an effective instrument to generate and maintain party discipline and to punish faction leaders and their affiliates. Parties may also discard sitting MPs because of seat-sharing arrangemen­ts with other parties.

Second, MPs and candidates themselves can also induce turnover. Some MPs may leave their parties and try their luck with a different party affiliatio­n. Other MPs may drop out of the race altogether if they are unable to sustain the cost of remaining in politics or when they find themselves outspent by adversarie­s. MPs can also choose to shift to a different legislativ­e body, such as a state assembly or the Rajya Sabha. In the run-up to the 2024 general elections, 28 seats sat vacant after officehold­ers left the Lower House for the Upper House or passed away so recently that byelection­s could not be held on time.

Finally, voters also play a role in ensuring that few sitting MPs get re-elected. Across states, the strike rate of re-running MPs is low. In 2009 and 2014, incumbents’ strike rate dropped below 50%. On average, since 1977, only 55% of re-running incumbent MPs have been re-elected. The propensity of voters to reject incumbents manifests the structural discontent that elected representa­tives face. The author’s repeated interactio­ns with MPs over the years reveal that MPs are expected to respond to endless demands and requests for assistance emanating from their constituen­cies, using limited resources or infrastruc­ture. When considered alongside a high degree of local electoral volatility, such discontent likely accounts for poor performanc­e of most re-running MPs.

India’s small profession­al political class

The flip side of the high turnover of elected representa­tives is the constituti­on of a small-size class of profession­al politician­s (MPs who have been elected more than twice). In India’s 17th Lok Sabha, 120 MPs fit this descriptio­n, a number that has fluctuated over the years. Of those 120 MPs, 69 belong to the BJP, while only 14 belong to the Congress. There are only 36 regional party MPs who can claim to have significan­t legislativ­e experience.

More worryingly, there are few women among this political class. In the 2019 general elections, 78 women were elected to the Lok Sabha, but only 12 were elected for a third term or more. Members of this stable political class are more likely to be older, hail from dynastic political families, and belong to the upper or intermedia­ry castes than historical­ly disadvanta­ged groups. This category of elected representa­tives includes top party leaders and their family members, as well as members of parties’ various high commands. There are only a few representa­tives whose popularity enables them to weather the electoral misfortune­s of their own parties. The small size and enhanced elite profile provide a measure of the degree of concentrat­ion of political power in India. The production of this small class of profession­al politician­s is a pan-Indian phenomenon, not specific to any region or any party.

The BJP now makes up more than half of India’s stable political class, a category that the Congress dominated until the mid-1990s. Regional parties started contributi­ng to that category of representa­tives a decade after their emergence phase in the 1990s. Their share of India’s profession­al class has reduced over the last three general elections largely due to the decline of regional parties in northern India.


Low rates of individual incumbency — and the concentrat­ion of power it implies — have wide-ranging implicatio­ns for the functionin­g of Parliament, the ability of the institutio­n and its members to act as a check on the executive, the meaning of political representa­tion, and the functionin­g of India’s democracy at large.

On the one hand, short political careers disincenti­vise newcomers from investing in the legislativ­e aspects of their job. As related research shows, elected representa­tives typically focus instead on constituen­cy service and on raising the resources necessary to have a career in politics. On the other hand, the combinatio­n of high barriers to entry and the high probabilit­y of early exit creates incentives for rentseekin­g behaviour as the costs of campaignin­g explode.

The rapid turnover of elected representa­tives also means that descriptiv­e representa­tion is detached from the individual­s meant to embody it. Descriptiv­e representa­tion is reduced to representa­tives’ caste or community identities but not to the representa­tives themselves. Descriptiv­e representa­tion can only be effective when Parliament itself is effective as an institutio­n. The concentrat­ion of power within parties, and the executive’s dominance of the legislatur­e, hollows out political representa­tion and limits the ability of legislator­s to induce change or impact.

The transient character of political careers in India contextual­ises the poor functionin­g of the Lok Sabha. Data compiled by PRS Legislativ­e Research show that the annual average sitting days of the Lok Sabha have consistent­ly declined: The most recent session hit a record low, utilising just 55% of allocated time. Parliament­ary committees rarely meet, and bills are barely discussed.

Other factors contribute to the marginalis­ation of elected representa­tives and, by extension, of political representa­tion.

First, parties announce their candidates late in the campaign, sometimes just days before polling. They reshuffle candidates until the last moment, preventing voters from thoroughly understand­ing who is really running for office.

Second, the anti-defection law has also tamed the ability of MPs to enjoy agency as autonomous lawmakers.

Third, the profession­alisation of campaigns and the rise of political consultant­s have led to the marginalis­ation of individual candidates. In private interviews, many aspirant candidates and sitting legislator­s have expressed anguish regarding their exclusion from decision making within their party and within government, more generally.

Finally, the decline of stable political representa­tion resonates with other findings regarding the sociology of India’s political class, which reveal that despite parties’ claims of political inclusion, India’s political leaders tend to be homogenous in class terms.

What is striking is the long-standing character of these trends. The hollowing out of political representa­tion in India is not simply a product of recent democratic decline but also a feature of political representa­tion that gets exacerbate­d under single-party dominance.

Unsurprisi­ngly, individual incumbency is lower during periods of single-party majorities; in fact, it was even lower when the Congress was in power in the 1950s and 1960s. Greater political competitio­n and the negotiatio­n of power-sharing arrangemen­ts at the federal level tend to bring in more experience­d politician­s, something that is sorely lacking in the current environmen­t.

Gilles Verniers is the Karl Loewenstei­n Fellow and visiting assistant professor of political science at Amherst College and a senior fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. In the weeks ahead, the Carnegie-HT “India Elects 2024” series will analyse various dimensions of India’s upcoming election battle.

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