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APR 21-MAY 20

Love: The Lover Mood: Knight of Swords Career: Temperance This is the best time to extend a helping hand to someone in dire need of it. Someone may bank upon you to make a social event successful. You may need to curb your impulsiven­ess. A short family trip is possible for some. You are likely to go the extra mile to achieve a perfect figure and physique. Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Yellow

MAY 21-JUN 21

Love: Five of Swords Mood: The World Career: The Emperor Changes can be expected either at work or at the personal level. You continue to progress well on the academic front. You are likely to remain socially active and expand your social circle. Your romantic endeavours are likely to elicit a positive response from the one you like.

Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Green

AUG 24-SEP 23

Love: Seven of Cups Mood: The Tower Career: Page of Swords Your performanc­e on the academic front remains steady. You may need to rein in your exuberance for a keenly awaited event. Economy measures taken now will hold you in good stead. Someone may be expecting a positive response from you on the romantic front, but do what your heart dictates.

Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour:

NOV 23-DEC 21

Love: The Star Mood: The Hermit Career: Seven of Coins

You are likely to bounce back strongly after a few setbacks on the profession­al front. A new style of working adopted by you is likely to increase efficiency at work. Those in a tight spot are likely to talk their way out of it! You are likely to meet someone influentia­l who may prove to be of immense help to you. Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour:

 ?? ?? Kareena Kapoor Khan
Kareena Kapoor Khan Golden
 ?? ?? Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma
 ?? ?? Suhana Khan
Suhana Khan
 ?? ?? Silver

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