Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)


- Leena Dhankhar leena.dhankhar@hindustant­imes.com

Gurugram: The district administra­tion has issued notices to 18 candidates in all four constituen­cies for violating the Election Commission’s Model Code of Conduct ahead of the upcoming assembly elections. The violations that attracted notices, include conducting campaigns without prior approval from the Returning Officer , placing illegal hoardings and banners and organising events at non-approved locations, officials said.

A total of 18 notices have been issued to candidates for violating the MCC across three constituen­cies in Gurugram. Sohna saw the highest number of violations with 8 notices, followed by Badshahpur with 6 notices, and Gurgaon with 4 notices.

Gurugram deputy commission­er Nishant Kumar Yadav said that one of the most common violations was campaignin­g without the necessary permission­s. “Candidates are required to obtain approval before conducting public events, but they were found hosting rallies and meetings without clearance,” he said.

Another significan­t violation involved the placement of hoardings and banners in public spaces without proper authorisat­ion. “This breaches both the MCC and local laws. Strict action will be taken against those found guilty,” the official added.

Additional­ly, some candidates were found organising events at non-approved community centers and other venues without seeking prior permission. “Using public spaces for campaign events without prior approval is a serious violation,” said Yadav. The DC warned that such violations would be added to the candidates’ election expenditur­e accounts.

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