Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

OPD services hit as docs protest across Himachal

- Dar Ovais ovais.mushtaq@hindustant­imes.com

DHARAMSHAL­A : Healthcare services were disrupted across Himahcal as doctors on Saturday responded to the Indian Medical Associatio­n’s (IMA) call for a nation-wide strike. Outdoor patents department (OPD) services were halted to mark protest against a resident doctor’s rape and murder at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata.

The healthcare profession­als suspended both OPD services and elective surgeries and also carried out protest marches, demanding justice.

Doctors from Shimla’s Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Tanda’s Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College joined the strike, causing significan­t inconvenie­nce for patients. However, emergency services operated as usual.

Many patients were still seen returning back from OPDs after they could not find doctors performing OPD duties.

The Resident Doctors Associatio­n also held a protest at IGMC, demanding measures to ensure safety of medical practition­ers. Meanwhile, Himachal Medical Officers Associatio­n (HMOA) and State Associatio­n of Medical and Dental College Teachers (SAMDCOT), IGMC, also joined the protest and boycotted the routine services.

Himachal Medical Officers Associatio­n (HMOA) general secretary Dr Vikas Thakur said such incidents have been happening repeatedly all over the country. “This also happened with a house surgeon in Kerala last year and there are many such examples. The whole country now strongly demands the safety of doctors. The union demands from the government that the security arrangemen­ts and health protection rules for all medical profession­als of the state should be implemente­d soon,” he said.

Thakur further emphasised the necessity of implementi­ng a non-bailable offence act with a minimum imprisonme­nt term for any abuse against doctors. “The Act for doctors needs to be implemente­d soon,” he said, further highlighti­ng that medical associatio­ns and people across the country are backing the strike, with the HMOA fully supporting it.

Thakur urged the state government to implement the Doctor’s Protection Act, noting the challengin­g working conditions faced by doctors in Himachal Pradesh.

The strike received support from nursing staff, paramedica­l personnel, drug representa­tives’ organisati­ons, the Health Department Employees Federation, and various other healthrela­ted organisati­ons. Both the state and central government­s were urged to ensure the safety of all healthcare employees, including doctors, while on duty.

Nepal Medical Associatio­n expresses solidarity

Meanwhile, the Nepal Medical Associatio­n has also expressed solidarity with the India Medical Associatio­n, which has been demanding proper investigat­ion and punishment from the concerned government against the culprits of such heinous crime and ensuring safety of doctors, especially women in the workplace.

 ?? DEEPAK SANSTA/HT ?? Resident doctors holding a placard during a protest at the IGMC in Shimla on Saturday.
DEEPAK SANSTA/HT Resident doctors holding a placard during a protest at the IGMC in Shimla on Saturday.

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