Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Man kills constable wife, 3 kin in Bihar; dies by suicide

- Avinash Kumar avinash.kumar@htlive.com

A 35-year-old man allegedly killed his police constable wife suspecting she was in an extramarit­al relationsh­ip, their two children and his mother-inlaw and later died by suicide in Bhagalpur city of Bihar, police said on Tuesday.

The incident in the Police Lines quarters might have taken place in the intervenin­g night of Monday and Tuesday, Bhagalpur range deputy inspector general (DIG) Vivekanand said, adding it came to light after a milkman raised an alarm when the family did not respond to multiple knocks to the door of their house on Tuesday morning.

“When police arrived at the scene, the bodies of the constable and her two children — aged five and three — were found lying on a bed. The body of the constable’s mother (49) was found in another room,” the DIG told HT.

“All four had sharp injuries on their necks. The man’s body was found hanging.”

According to the police, a suicide note was found at the spot in which the man purportedl­y claimed his wife had killed their two children and her mother. The note further claimed the man killed his wife with a brick in retaliatio­n before dying by suicide, police said.

The DIG, however, said preliminar­y probe indicated the man killed the constable (29), their two children and his mother-in-law and left the note to frame charges against his wife.

Prima facie it has come to light the woman constable was in a relationsh­ip with another constable, who has been detained, the senior officer said. “He has admitted to being in a relationsh­ip with the deceased constable. Further interrogat­ion is on,” the DIG said.

Meanwhile, the police recovered the knife used in the crime and the bodies have been sent for autopsy.

“We are probing whether the incident occurred due to sudden provocatio­n or was it planned,” Bhagalpur SSP Anand Kumar said.

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