Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)




1 Mother’s involved with plan for making bombs (6)

4 Coming in last after me she gets caught (8)

9 Names include a famous soprano (6)

10 One may put his suit in a case - or vice versa (8)

12 Headland or loch (4)

13 Cheat people (5)

14 Ring starts involuntar­y movement of the ear (4)

17 As found in the doll’s hospital? (5,7)

20 An incoming charge (9,3)

23 Can recall Napoleon’s exile (4)

24 Gain favour with a hot dish (5)

25 Withdrawal of 101 meeting points (4)

28 Charge too much? (8)

29 He takes orders to break the circle (6)

30 Easy opponent to beat and knock to the floor (8)

31 An indication of cold perhaps (6)


1 Common title for Satan? (8)

2 A friend has new ideas for building a fence (8)

3 Heavy role for an actor (4)

5 Small cutters one may find extremely useful (4,8) 6 Issue of time off (4)

7 Something good to drink to (6)

8 The cad is out to break the engagement (6)

11 Go over - to the enemy once more? (12)

15 Lose one’s footing on a piece of glass (5) 16 Mint bar? (5)

18 Naturally it’s to do with a series of lectures (2,6)

19 Perhaps I’d come about something commonplac­e (8)

21 About to take successful action to recover (6)

22 A sailor girl with unmarried sisters in her care (6)

26 A voice raised in a loyal toast (4)

27Large family; many in jail (4)



1 In addition (2,4)

4 Self-satisfacti­on (8)

9 Special aptitude (6)

10 Exaggerate­d praise (8)

12 A part of speech (4)

13 Causing laughter (5)

14 Extend across (4)

17 Insipid (4-3-5)

20 Pompous bore (7,5)

23 To harvest (4)

24 Quite impossible! (2,3)

25 Thin streak of smoke (4)

28 An aromatic spice (8)

29 Manage with what there is (4,2)

30 Balanced proportion­s (8)

31 Stiffening strip in a sail (6)


1 Right of self-government (8)

2 Intentiona­lly (8)

3 Connecting element (4)

5 Many-sided (12)

6 Number of spectators at game (4)

7 Free from liability (6)

8 Adage (6) 11 Solemn promise (4,2,6)

15 Precipitat­e (5)

16 Be vaguely aware of (5)

18 Embrocatio­n (8)

19 Resign from a position (4,4)

21 Plant of iris family (6)

22 Large wine bottle (6)

26 Get on (4)

27 Factual informatio­n (4)

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