Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

21-yr-old Rajasthan man beaten to death in Rewari village

- Sunil Rahar sunil.kumar3@htlive.com

ROHTAK : A 21-year-old Rajasthan man was allegedly beaten to death by the family of a 17-yearold girl on Monday, police said on Tuesday. The boy had allegedly gone to her house in Rewari’s Cheeta Dungra village to meet her, they added.

The victim has been identified as Mohit of Giglana village in Alwar district of Rajasthan.

According to Rewari police, the victim had befriended the girl who lived in his neighbouri­ng village. On the night of July 8, he went to meet her at her house, which is less than 5 km away from his village.

According to police officials, the girl’s grandmothe­r spotted him and alerted other family members, who caught Mohit and thrashed him with an iron rod and later informed his father Mukesh and uncle Rajesh. “The family member took Mohit to a hospital, where he succumbed to injuries,” said sub-inspector Mahipal posted at Kund policechec­k post in Rewari.

The deceased had completed his graduation and was preparing for Indian Army, the SI added. “The body was sent to Rewari civil hospital for the post-mortem examinatio­n,” the SI said. In his complaint to the police, Mohit’s uncle Rajesh said, “When my brother and I reached at Cheeta Dungra village, the girl’s family told us about their relationsh­ip and accused my nephew of calling her. Then we took him home and his health started deteriorat­ing. We rushed Mohit to a private hospital in Kund from where he was referred to a hospital in Rewari and he died on the way to hospital. The girl’s family had beaten up Mohit brutally and there were injury marks on his eyes, legs, stomach and chest,” he added. The police said that the investigat­ion is on and case will be registered soon.

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