Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Why tech is crucial for management courses

- The author is Program Chair, MBA Technology Program, TAPMI, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Bengaluru

The opportunit­ies for technology leadership and management in India are exploding, driven by the country’s rapid digital transforma­tion and robust economic growth. Several key factors contribute to this dynamic landscape.

India hosts a thriving tech in dustry, home to numerous IT services companies, startups, and global tech giants. Technology managers are in high demand to oversee projects, manage teams, and drive innovation in this fastpaced sector.

Businesses across various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and manufactur­ing, are un dergoing digital transforma­tion. This creates a need for technology managers who can lead these initiative­s, implement new technologi­es, and ensure seamless integratio­n with existing systems.

India’s vibrant startup ecosystem offers numerous opportunit­ies for technology managers. Startups require leaders who can manage technologi­cal developmen­t, scale operations, and navigate the challenges of rapid growth.

The explosive growth of e-commerce and fintech sectors in India has led to a surge in demand for technology managers. These sectors need profession­als who can oversee technology infrastruc­ture, ensure cybersecur­ity, an d drive customer-centric innovation­s.

Government programs like Digital India and Make in India are fostering a conducive environmen­t for tech innovation and entreprene­urship. Technology managers play a crucial role in executing these initiative­s and managing largescale digital projects.

With India being a significan­t player in the global tech arena, technology managers have opportunit­ies to work on internatio­nal projects, collaborat­e with global teams, and drive cross-border technology strategies.

Overall, the demand for technology managers in India is set to grow as the country continues to embrace technologi­cal advancemen­ts and digitaliza­tion across all sectors. This presents a promising career path with diverse an d impactful opportunit­ies.

Along with the growth of opportunit­ies management in India, the management education landscape in India is evolving as well. Premier institutes like the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Indian School of Business (ISB) lead the way with rigorous academic curricula, strong industry connection­s, and high placement rates. Alongside these elite schools, numerous private and public universiti­es offer MBA programs, catering to the growing demand for management education. However, the quality of education varies significan­tly across institutio­ns, with top-tier colleges offering comprehens­ive programs that include practical exposure and global perspectiv­es, while many lesserknow­n schools struggle with issues like outdated curricula and inadequate faculty. The proliferat­ion of MBA programs, driven by India’s burgeoning economy and the perceived value of an MBA, presents both opportunit­ies and challenges, particular­ly in maintainin­g educationa­l standards and ensuring employabil­ity of graduates.


Technology is playing a pivotal role in influencin­g management careers in India, revolution­izing traditiona­l busin ess practices an d creating new opportunit­ies. With the rise of digital transforma­tion, managers are increasing­ly required to possess a strong grasp of technologi­cal tools and platforms. This includes proficienc­y in data analytics, artificial intelligen­ce, machine learning, an d digital marketing. The integratio­n of these technologi­es enables managers to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and enhance customer experience­s. Moreover, technology has facilitate­d the emergence of new business models and startups, particular­ly in sectors like e-commerce, fintech, health-tech, driving demand for tech-savvy management profession­als. Remote working tools and collaborat­ive software have also transforme­d workplace dynamics, emphasizin­g the need for managers to be adept at virtual team leadership and digital communicat­ion. Consequent­ly, management education in India needs to rapidly incorporat­e technology-oriented courses and specializa­tions, preparing graduates to navigate and lead in a tech-driven business environmen­t.


The current adoption of technology in pedagogy within management education in India is seeing a slow and uneven transforma­tion. Leading institutio­ns like the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and top private business schools have integrated advanced technologi­cal tools into their teaching methodolog­ies. These schools employ Learning Management Systems (LMS), virtual classrooms, simulation software, and data analytics tools to enhance the learning experience. Technologi­es such as AI an d machin e learning are used but in a limited manner to offer personaliz­ed learning paths and real-time feedback. Online courses, webinars, and digital libraries have become commonplac­e, broadening access to quality education and enabling flexible learning schedules.

The usage of commercial­ly used industry standard software and tools as part of curriculum is very limited at this point in management education; students most often need to overcome this limitation on the job after graduation. Ideally, every course would benefit from incorporat­ing a set of sessions that provide students han ds-on technology exposure. In addition to learning technology, this can be a very effective way to experience real world business processes in an academic setting. Towards this, Centers of Excellence an d focused Tech Labs are the way forward.

Few programs are effectivel­y addressing this gap in pedagogy and making students technology aware, tech-savvy and hence industry ready.


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