Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Univs, colleges on admin radar for state polls

- Leena Dhankhar leena.dhankhar@hindustant­imes.com

GURUGRAM: In a bid to increase voter participat­ion among young people in the upcoming assembly elections, the district administra­tion has launched an extensive voter awareness campaign. Officials are visiting 22 universiti­es and colleges across Gurugram to ensure that first-time voters, particular­ly students aged 18 to 19, register for their voter ID cards and actively participat­e in the electoral process, officials said.

The administra­tion’s aim is to engage this critical demographi­c group, whose voter turnout has been alarmingly low in previous elections—standing at less than 5%—despite an estimated 40,000 eligible voters in this age group.

The campaign, part of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participat­ion (SVEEP) initiative, is designed to encourage first-time voters to participat­e in the democratic process. District election officer and deputy commission­er Nishant Kumar Yadav, on Thursday reached out to students, offering guidance on how to register for their voter ID cards.

“Young voters are the future of our democracy,” said Yadav during one of the awareness drives at a private university. “We are committed to ensuring that every eligible first-time voter has the opportunit­y to register and cast their vote.”

The initiative has resonated with the student community, many of whom are engaging with the electoral process for the first time. Kaveri Yadav a firstyear student at a local university said, “I was not sure about how to register for my voter ID, but now I feel more confident about voting for the first time.”

 ?? PARVEEN KUMAR/HT ?? DC Nishant Kumar Yadav on Thursday reached out to students on how to register for their voter ID cards.
PARVEEN KUMAR/HT DC Nishant Kumar Yadav on Thursday reached out to students on how to register for their voter ID cards.

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