Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Ggm civic agencies clash over Bajghera underpass flooding

- Abhishek Behl abhishek.behl@hindustant­imes.com

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) announced on Monday that the Bajghera underpass on the Dwarka Expressway, which was heavily flooded and closed for traffic on Sunday, would be cleared of water by Monday evening.

According to NHAI officials, due to the heavy rainfall on Monday, the water from a onekilomet­re stretch of the clogged drain was redirected to the already low-lying underpass, exacerbati­ng the flooding.

“The underpass was closed for traffic as it got flooded on the intervenin­g nights of Saturday and Sunday, and eight pumps that are permanentl­y deployed at the spot were put into service to dewater the structure on Sunday afternoon itself. The pumps are still working, and the water will be cleared by Monday evening. The drain along the road is not functional,” said an NHAI official. The officials further mentioned that they had previously written to the Gurugram Metropolit­an Developmen­t Authority (GMDA) to establish a proper stormwater drainage network in sectors along the Dwarka Expressway to prevent similar flooding incidents.

Meanwhile, a senior GMDA official, however, refuted claims of a non-functional drain, asserting, “The Leg one drain, which is along the Bajghera road, is functional and has been taking water towards Najafgarh. We will ensure that the surface drain along the Dwarka Expressway with the master drain network or Leg one drain is connected.”

Rakesh Rana, president of the Sai Kunj Resident Welfare Associatio­n (RWA) located along the Bajghera road, alleged that water from adjoining colonies and roads had swamped the underpass on Sunday, causing the closure. Rana pointed out potential design flaws, stating, “There seems to be design issues in this underpass as the entire water from adjoining colonies and the main road floods this underpass. The leg one drain of GMDA along the Bajghera drain is not choked. There is a need to work out a proper solution.”

The locals also said that while the underpass was flooded on Sunday morning, the pumps were made operationa­l in the evening, which delayed the clearance of water.

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? Water being cleared at the Bajghera underpass.
HT PHOTO Water being cleared at the Bajghera underpass.

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