Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

GMDA to upgrade water tank in Ggm

- Leena Dhankhar leena.dhankhar@hindustant­imes.com

The Gurugram Metropolit­an Developmen­t Authority (GMDA) has decided to upgrade one water boosting tank under its jurisdicti­on and that of the Municipal Corporatio­n of Gurugram (MCG) as part of a pilot project to enhance drinking water quality, officials aware of the developmen­t said.

The initiative is a joint venture with a South Korean organisati­on. Under the plan, tanks will be lined with stainless steel to extend their lifespan and curb water contaminat­ion, officials said.

GMDA’s chief executive officer A Sreenivas, following a meeting with a delegation of Hansamkora Limited, said the upgrade will not only augment the lifespan of the tanks but also prevent water contaminat­ion. “GMDA is already working extensivel­y on boosting water treatment capacity in the city and expanding water supply pipeline network to newer sectors,” he said.

Officials said under the pilot project, the company will coat one tank each under GMDA and MCG. The South Korean government is also supporting the pilot project for Gurugram city, GMDA officials said.

Elaboratin­g on the benefits of the coating, Sreenivas said: “It eliminates the accumulati­on of algae and solves the issue of leakages. The stainless steel lining will also double the lifespan of the tanks 10-15 years at present to 30-40 years, due to their resistance to corrosion.”

GMDA officials said if the pilot project is successful, the model will be replicated at all water-boosting tanks in the city. GMDA is slated to sign a memorandum of understand­ing with the company this month, and the pilot project will commence in September, officials said.

Sreenivas said this would be the first such pilot project in the country and called it a major accomplish­ment for Gurugram.

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