Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Better waste management or face action: Officials told

- Leena Dhankhar leena.dhankhar@hindustant­imes.com

Urban local bodies minister Subhash Sudha on Thursday called for an effective improvemen­t in waste management in the city within the next fortnight, warning of strict action against officials responsibl­e if there is no progress in this regard.

Sudha sought strict action under the Solid Waste Environmen­t Exigency Programme (Sweep), directing officials to get FIRs registered against principal generators of C&D (constructi­on and demolition) waste who dump waste illegally through unauthoris­ed operators.

“All necessary vehicles for waste transporta­tion will be requisitio­ned and compensate­d at rates determined in the forthcomin­g expression of Interest (EOI). To ensure effective debris processing, the IL&FS plant must be utilised to its full capacity, adhering to contractua­l provisions. Further, tenders for engaging other agencies with experience in C&D waste processing in metro cities will be finalised by the department of urban local bodies (DULB), with immediate action required by the Municipal Corporatio­n of

Gurugram (MCG),” he said.

MCG commission­er Narhari Singh Bangar said that directives were issued for immediate implementa­tion of the directives.

“Dumper and other necessary vehicles for waste transporta­tion will be requisitio­ned for 15 days and compensate­d according to rates establishe­d in the EOI floated by EE-SBM, to be finalised by the following day. The only C&D waste plant will operate at full capacity for waste management as per the agreement. Additional­ly, tenders for engaging other agencies executing C&D waste processing in other metro cities at five designated sites will be finalised by the director, ULB, with immediate action from us to float the prepared tender,” Bangar said.

He said that an advertisem­ent, specifying C&D waste dumping sites, will be published and Gurugram police commission­er has been tasked with ensuring enforcemen­t against unauthoris­ed operators.

Officials said senior sanitary inspectors, sanitary inspectors, assistant sanitary inspectors and other necessary sanitation staff will soon be appointed for the purpose.

The additional deputy com

missioner of Gurugram, along with the joint commission­ers of MCG, will streamline and supervise the monitoring conducted by the HCS officers’ squad.

“These officers will visit their respective wards at specified times to achieve the desired objectives of the sanitation campaign, ensuring a headcount of the sanitation workers at designated times with daily reports submitted to the additional deputy commission­er,” Bangar said.

He said that if contractor­s fail to fulfil their obligation­s towards safai karmachari­s, the MCG will directly pay them, as per the contractua­l rates, supervised by HCS officers.

Charge sheets under Rule 7 of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, will be issued to all MCG joint commission­ers if satisfacto­ry improvemen­ts are not observed within four weeks. Additional­ly, salaries of specific senior sanitary inspectors will be withheld and only released upon satisfacto­ry performanc­e, officials said.

MCG officials said the police department was also directed to provide full support for the implementa­tion of Sweep in the district, and take stringent actions against defaulter owners, agencies and contractor­s.

 ?? PARVEEN KUMAR/HT ?? Constructi­on and demolition waste dumped illegally at plot on Dwarka expressway.
PARVEEN KUMAR/HT Constructi­on and demolition waste dumped illegally at plot on Dwarka expressway.

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